Replication plz help

  • Hi gurus, plz help me out!


    Publisher: 1.5 GB of size. Push merge subscription.256 K full duplex internet connection.

    Subscriber: physically at different country. T1 connection. I dial VPN to connect to the publisher which is in seperate domain. Since the domains are different, i am using SQL authentication for my replication process.

    The problem with the snapshot is "disconnectivity". Merge agent starts form beginning after running for 2 or 3 hours. I have following entries for MSrepl_errors table in the distribution database:

     error_code -2147201001 "The process could not deliver the snapshot to the Subscriber"

     error_code 20037 "The process could not bulk copy into table '"dbo"."MY_TABLE"'"

     error_code 11     "General network error. Check your network documentation."

    The thing that bothers me much is that the VPN scarcely disconnects, only a single packet drop forces the merge agent to retry!!!. To isolate the problem i started ping reqest from publisher to subscriber; i saw merge agent to fail when a packet loss occured for only one second. VPN did not disconnect.

    Currently i've chosen "slow link" profile for merge agent.

    I started the snapshot 2 days ago and it restarts after every 2 or 3 hours.

    Why the heck merge agent starts from the beginning; couldn't it be handled to start where it was when the connection was lost? Packet-loss is normal on the internet connections. I would love to know how u people replicate VLDBs over the internet.

    I tried dynamic snapshot but found it rather risky; the merge agent stops with success during the middle of snapshot if connection is dropped leaving the subscriber with inconsistent data.

    Any ideas and tips would be very much appreciated.


  • Talat,

       Are you doing 'real' merge or dynamic snapshots? Dynamic snapshots can improve performance.

    If that doesn't help try  this from BOL :

    You can limit the number of merge processes running simultaneously by setting the @max_concurrent_merge parameter of sp_addmergepublication or sp_changemergepublication. If the maximum number of merge processes is already running, any new merge processes will wait in a queue. You can set –StartQueueTimeout on the Merge Agent command line to specify how long the agent should wait for the other merge processes to complete. If the –StartQueueTimeout period is exceeded, and the new merge process is still waiting, it will stop and exit.


    I'm pushing 10 db's with over 400 gigs back and forth over a T-1, fortunately they don't change much.


    Thanks, and don't forget to Chuckle

  • Hi, thanx for ur feedback.

    Currently I have only one subscriber; i don't have multiple merge processes therefore.

    The current situation is:

    Publisher name SERVER1

    Subscriber name SERVER2

    I uploaded the SNAPSHOT.CAB (300 MB) from the publisher using download manager (if connection disconnects, it resumes where the connection was lost). It got uploaded in 3 hours.

    Now i dropped the push merge subscription. Created Pull merge subscription at SERVER2. Placed the SNAPSHOT.CAB into local C drive of SERVER2.

    The location i've extracted the snapshot file is:

       C:\unc\SERVER1_MBDB_MBDB_PUBLICATION\2004061923325 2

    In the Snapshot Location dialogbox for pull merge agent, I specified this location to force the agent to pick snapshot locally.

    When i run the merge agent; it fails, for it searches the snapshot files from the default location at the publisher rather than the one i specified  . The error is:

    The schema script '\\SERVER1\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\ReplData\unc\SERVER1_MBDB_MBDB_PUBLIC ATION\20040619233252\UR_TABLE_1.sch' could not be propagated to the subscriber.

    Could not find the cabinet file '' in folder 'c:\unc\SERVER1_MBDB_MBDB_PUBLICATION\200406192332 52\unc\SERVER1_MBDB_MBDB_PUBLICATION\2004061923325 2\'


    Any help!!

  • As a quick check, move the file(s) to the default location

    \SERVER1\C$\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\ReplData\unc\SERVER1_MBDB_MBDB_PUBLICATION\

    and try it again.

    Slower check, run through the properties and set it up so the files are copied to the directories expected, and that pathing on both ends is set up according to what SQL Server expects them to be.

    Thanks, and don't forget to Chuckle

  • Hi, thanx for ur reply.

    I tried but the Quick check won't work.

    Slower check: couldn't really find any thing that is making it fail. The merge agent doesn't go for the local path, it tries to access the publisher directory instead.




  • Respected Friend


    Thanks for valuable information ,i think you r the right person who did alot of work on dial up replication process .I am Msc Last year student and my project is to replicate data between two sides witch are apart more than 30 kilometers ,through VPN Dial up Network .I Only know how to make publisher and subscriber on Local network but do't know the ABC of Dial up Process. Can you help me in this regard ,and can you sent me the whole processs wizards print Screens (Step By Step) ,how to build Dial up remote servers ,how give the TCP/IP addressess ,how to configure subscriber at remote site and publisher site at my university site.Kindly help me i am fed up by purchasing books and searching contents on Internet and i lost much of the time on searching......Kindly Help me through my Email Address .....................i am waiting for UR Response.....


    (Shahzad Mughal)

    MSC(Final Year)

  • Hi dude, i would try if i could be of any assistance to u in this regard.

    A DBA works only when the users can't, so i scarcely work!

  • anticipatory thanx,i am sure u will help me..........

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