Need help in handling binary in DTS ActiveX

  • Below mentioned is the piece of code that i am trying to execute in DTS ActiveX script task.

    I have a view which returns one column with Binary datatype of length 8. Based on that value, i want to execute another SQL statement in DTS ActiveX script.

    The problem is, i am not able to append the binary value in the second SQL statement itself.

    It gives me Datatype mismatch error. I tried conversion functions also. but, no use.

    could anyone suggest some solution?


    set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")


    conn.Open = "Provider='SQLOLEDB';Data Source='SERVER1_NAME';Initial Catalog='DATABASE_NAME';Integrated Security='SSPI';"

    strSQL1 = "Select col1 from vw_ABC"


    rs.Open strSQL1, conn, adOpenDynamic

    Do While Not rs.EOF


     set rs1 = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")


     strSQL2 = "select * from table1 where id in (select id from table2 where binary_key = " &  rs.Fields("col1").value & ")"

     'strSQL2 = "select * from table1 where id in (select id from table2 where binary_key = 0x0000000000002FAC)"

     'this is the how the sql text should look like after appending the binary value. This one works for me in Query Analyzer

     rs1.Open strSQL2, conn, adOpenDynamic






  • I'm not an expert, however, did you try to put an extra quote in you where statement?

    strSQL2 = "select * from table1 where id in (select id from table2 where binary_key = '" &  rs.Fields("col1").value & "')"



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