I/O error on DBREINDEX

  • Hello all

    One of our clients get the following error on a daily job to reindex

    I/O error 1117(The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.) detected during write at offset 0x0000001af8a000 in file <file.mdf>..

    followed by

    Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 4 which again is the SQL I/O error

    as a result - sometimes the job will complete but othertimes it forces the SQL server to restart

    I'm convinced that this is a problem with the hardware .. however the hardware vendor (one of the big boys) says that this is a generic OS error and that we should contact microsoft for resolution (i.e this is not a hardware problem)

    I would like to know if anyone of you have had the same problem anytime before , and what did you do about it..


  • Hi, This is an odd error, just my thoughts but it sounds like the error is occurring when the reindex job is re-writing the data pages to the data file on the physical disk. Could be a bad sector on the disk??? I would recommend if you have MS support to contact them sooner rather than later. If the re-indexing job keeps on failing the DB performance will start to degrade very soon. Not sure if I'm just babbling or actually helping but hope that helps a little.


  • My suggestion:

    1> Make a dump of ur DB system

    2> Run DBCC checkdb, ...

    3> Make a dump again

    4> Scan ur HD. Or change a HD.

    5> Check HD Space

    6> Reindex

    7> Microsoft or HD vendor

  • Aldon , Simon - thanks for your suggestions .. I Guess the client will have to upgrade their support level, The vendor keeps passing the buck to MS...The MSDN website says "contact you hardware vendor" for error 823

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