Performing Join on SHA2_256 Hashed Column

  • Hi All, 

    Having some issues with a hashing and matching based on a file.
    We have a hashed column in a table stored as varbinary and also have a csv file with matching hashed values.
    when i perform the query below i get a result

    Select HashedColumn
    From HashedTable
    where HashedColumn = 0x565asd8995asda543454278

    however when i load the csv file into the DB I cannot store as varbinary, so stored as nvarchar. 
    when i attempt the join:

    Select HashedColumn
    From HashedTable Htbl
    Join CSVHashedFile Csv on Htbl.HashedColumn = Csv.HashedColumn

    I get no results.
    I cannot import the csv as varbinary (DT_Image) in SSIS so am pretty much stuck.

    Has anyone else encountered the same issue?

  • When you join you'll have to CONVERT the nvarchar value to varchar and then to varbinary.

  • "however when i load the csv file into the DB I cannot store as varbinary, so stored as nvarchar. 
    when i attempt the join:"

    Why can't you store as varbinary? When loading anything to DB from text files I always load to a staging table first so I can prep the data any way I want before inserting into actual production tables.

  • waxb18 - Wednesday, April 25, 2018 8:06 AM

    Hi All, 

    Having some issues with a hashing and matching based on a file.
    We have a hashed column in a table stored as varbinary and also have a csv file with matching hashed values.
    when i perform the query below i get a result

    Select HashedColumn
    From HashedTable
    where HashedColumn = 0x565asd8995asda543454278

    however when i load the csv file into the DB I cannot store as varbinary, so stored as nvarchar. 
    when i attempt the join:

    Select HashedColumn
    From HashedTable Htbl
    Join CSVHashedFile Csv on Htbl.HashedColumn = Csv.HashedColumn

    I get no results.
    I cannot import the csv as varbinary (DT_Image) in SSIS so am pretty much stuck.

    Has anyone else encountered the same issue?

    You've got a problem if you are expecting a varbinary value to match a string of hex characters where you're using the letter s.   That's not a valid binary string character.   Only 0-9 and a-f or A-F are valid.   Your string was posted as "0x565asd8995asda543454278", which has two occurrences of the letter s.

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