Informing the Internal IT Team

  • I have previously seen printed both company newsletters and company technical briefs. Recently, I have seen these done as internal blogs. It works in my opinion. A few will never read anything issued with the rest falling into their natural positions of gullibility, scepticism and a bit of realism in between. We need all responses and reactions just like teams need people with different character traits.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • We use yammer here, for the whole company but with subgroups by department/interest etc. Works pretty well. We have tech subgroups where we post about project launches/new products/training/blogs, but there are also groups for general company info, starters/leavers, social events, office admin groups etc. Threads are started for leavers and joiners, baby news, food discounts in the area. It's collaborative and doesn't require one person to collate everything into a newsletter.

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