Argument "" for option "maxconcurrent" is not valid. The command line parameters are invalid.

  • Hello

    We have a strange problem, using SQL Server 2016, project development model. High level, the flow is as follows:

    • Generate a data set
    • Upload it to an FTP-server.

    When we running this package in SSDT, it runs smoothly. But when we deploy it to the SQL Server, we receive a strange error (see attachment)

    The job was started from the project, with no specific arguments. 

    Does anyone have experience with this error?



  • It looks like the kind of error you might get if you use DTSEXEC.exe to execute the package in a SQL Agent Job.   If that's the case, I'd guess that the aforementioned parameter is indeed, not valid.   You should be able to Google the syntax for that command line.

  • This is a package property you can set in the IDE. Open the package and look at the properties. You will see a property named MaxConcurrentExecutables. The default value is -1. When set to -1 it will determine how many processor cores there are and set the value to that at the beginning of execution.

    Is it possible you have changed the default and set this to too high a value for the server in question?

  • Hello

    After searching for a while, my boss founds the solution! We deleted the last slash in a parameter and the package run smoothly in a job!

    Thanks for the replies!



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