Get data into a table

  • Hi I have two tables

    create table Students (StudentID int not null , Name nvarchar(20))

    insert into Students values (101111 , 'XYZ'),
    (101112 , 'Ben') ,
    (101113 , 'Kate'),
    (101114 , 'Andy')

    Create Table Subscriptions (StudentID int , Subscriptions int)

    insert into subscriptions values ( 101111, 3),
    (101112, 8),
    (101113 , 4),
    (101114 , 3),

    -- query
    select s.StudentID , sum(SS.subscriptions) subscriptions from students s join Subscriptions SS
    on s.StudentID= ss.StudentID
    group by s.StudentID
    having sum(SS.subscriptions) > 10

    -- Result
    studentId      Subscriptions
    10111113        13
    10111220        20

    Now I need to get only the studentId whose subscriptions are > 10 into a new table. The table has only one column StudentID

  • SQL-Learner - Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:52 AM

    Hi I have two tables

    create table Students (StudentID int not null , Name nvarchar(20))

    insert into Students values (101111 , 'XYZ'),
    (101112 , 'Ben') ,
    (101113 , 'Kate'),
    (101114 , 'Andy')

    Create Table Subscriptions (StudentID int , Subscriptions int)

    insert into subscriptions values ( 101111, 3),
    (101112, 8),
    (101113 , 4),
    (101114 , 3),

    -- query
    select s.StudentID , sum(SS.subscriptions) subscriptions from students s join Subscriptions SS
    on s.StudentID= ss.StudentID
    group by s.StudentID
    having sum(SS.subscriptions) > 10

    -- Result
    studentId      Subscriptions
    10111113        13
    10111220        20

    Now I need to get only the studentId whose subscriptions are > 10 into a new table. The table has only one column StudentID

    First step: write a query to identify studentIds where subscription > 10. Can you do that bit?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • INSERT INTO MyTable (StudentID)
    select s.StudentID
    from Students s
    join Subscriptions ss on s.StudentID= ss.StudentID
    group by s.StudentID
    having sum(ss.Subscriptions) > 10


  • Phil Parkin - Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:57 AM

    SQL-Learner - Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:52 AM

    Hi I have two tables

    create table Students (StudentID int not null , Name nvarchar(20))

    insert into Students values (101111 , 'XYZ'),
    (101112 , 'Ben') ,
    (101113 , 'Kate'),
    (101114 , 'Andy')

    Create Table Subscriptions (StudentID int , Subscriptions int)

    insert into subscriptions values ( 101111, 3),
    (101112, 8),
    (101113 , 4),
    (101114 , 3),

    -- query
    select s.StudentID , sum(SS.subscriptions) subscriptions from students s join Subscriptions SS
    on s.StudentID= ss.StudentID
    group by s.StudentID
    having sum(SS.subscriptions) > 10

    -- Result
    studentId      Subscriptions
    10111113        13
    10111220        20

    Now I need to get only the studentId whose subscriptions are > 10 into a new table. The table has only one column StudentID

    First step: write a query to identify studentIds where subscription > 10. Can you do that bit?

    Perhaps I should have read more closely, sorry. Have you created the new table yet?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Out of interest, why would you want to store these in a table? If your data changes, this would mean that your table of student ID's would be stale, and incorrect. Would a view meet your needs better?

    What should happen if a student has more than 10 subscription, and later doesn't? What happens if you run this script again, should you put everyone's ID in there again 9meaning duplication, and without an ID, you have no way of disguising them?

    This is the simple answer, but consider what i've said above.
    CREATE TABLE YourNewTable (StudentID);

    INSERT INTO YourNewTable
    SELECT s.StudentID
    FROM students s
      JOIN Subscriptions SS ON s.StudentID= ss.StudentID
    GROUP BY s.StudentID
    HAVING SUM(SS.subscriptions) > 10;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Phil Parkin - Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:58 AM

    Phil Parkin - Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:57 AM

    SQL-Learner - Thursday, January 26, 2017 5:52 AM

    Hi I have two tables

    create table Students (StudentID int not null , Name nvarchar(20))

    insert into Students values (101111 , 'XYZ'),
    (101112 , 'Ben') ,
    (101113 , 'Kate'),
    (101114 , 'Andy')

    Create Table Subscriptions (StudentID int , Subscriptions int)

    insert into subscriptions values ( 101111, 3),
    (101112, 8),
    (101113 , 4),
    (101114 , 3),

    -- query
    select s.StudentID , sum(SS.subscriptions) subscriptions from students s join Subscriptions SS
    on s.StudentID= ss.StudentID
    group by s.StudentID
    having sum(SS.subscriptions) > 10

    -- Result
    studentId      Subscriptions
    10111113        13
    10111220        20

    Now I need to get only the studentId whose subscriptions are > 10 into a new table. The table has only one column StudentID

    First step: write a query to identify studentIds where subscription > 10. Can you do that bit?

    Perhaps I should have read more closely, sorry. Have you created the new table yet?

    Yes, I have created and I got the solution. Thanks for helping me all the time

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