Export data in fixed width with header row

  • I need to export files that are in this format. So, the header row is 01, next row is 05, data is 10, and the trailer is 99. I know how to get the data, rows that begin with 10, but not sure how to format the header and trailer. If it is not possible then, I'll use VB or something to do the formating. Any thoughts?

    05BATCH Group6 Gross Charges    2015102820150930STNDR JRNL
    1080-457-003                                  92000
    1080-462-003                                   2000
    1080-463-003                                   2000
    1080-464-003                                   2000
    1080-466-003                                   4000
    1080-476-003                                   3000
    1080-489-003                                   2000
    1080-547-003                                   2000
    1080-552-003                                   3000
    1080-564-003                                   1500
    1080-566-003                                   3000
    1080-588-003                                   1500
    1080-594-003                                   1500
    1080-599-003                                   1500
    1080-615-003                                   4500
    1080-941-003                                  50260
    1080-760-074                          0
    1080-112-285                     175760

  • PowerShell might be a good way to go here.  You can use the Invoke-SQL (I think that's what it's called) cmdlet and then pipe the results to the Format-Table cmdlet, which has various options for column width.


  • John Mitchell-245523 - Friday, January 13, 2017 5:33 AM

    PowerShell might be a good way to go here.  You can use the Invoke-SQL (I think that's what it's called) cmdlet and then pipe the results to the Format-Table cmdlet, which has various options for column width.



  • NineIron - Friday, January 13, 2017 4:17 AM

    I need to export files that are in this format. So, the header row is 01, next row is 05, data is 10, and the trailer is 99. I know how to get the data, rows that begin with 10, but not sure how to format the header and trailer. If it is not possible then, I'll use VB or something to do the formating. Any thoughts?

    05BATCH Group6 Gross Charges    2015102820150930STNDR JRNL
    1080-457-003                                  92000
    1080-462-003                                   2000
    1080-463-003                                   2000
    1080-464-003                                   2000
    1080-466-003                                   4000
    1080-476-003                                   3000
    1080-489-003                                   2000
    1080-547-003                                   2000
    1080-552-003                                   3000
    1080-564-003                                   1500
    1080-566-003                                   3000
    1080-588-003                                   1500
    1080-594-003                                   1500
    1080-599-003                                   1500
    1080-615-003                                   4500
    1080-941-003                                  50260
    1080-760-074                          0
    1080-112-285                     175760

    It looks like you're formatting a text file for COBOL.  My approach would be to create a table variable and insert all the formatting and extra header and footer rows into it.  Then it is an easy final SELECT for the whole file.  It makes it easy to debug too.
    Another way to handle it would be to PRINT every formatted line to an output file and avoid doing a SELECT.
    I guess we really need to know the big picture, if you can use isql, SSIS, or other technology to accomplish this.  Will it be a once-and-done or a repeated job?

  • I tried slapping a full example together, but i find it pretty annoying that Format-Table is leaving extra whitespace.
    there a line in the  beginning where  a header would be if it were not suppressed, a trailing CrLf after, and int he part that was appended where the data would have a header and a bunch of dashes to separate header from data, there's a pair of empty lines.

    I would have expected -HideTableHeaders to just pipe out data.
    here was my test:
    on my local dev box with SQL2016, 
    i ran this command:

    Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT 'MyHeaderText Is The First Line' AS txt" -ServerInstance "TSFC066" |Format-Table -HideTableHeaders| Out-File -FilePath C:\Data\myexport.txt
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT * from SandBox.sys.tables;" -ServerInstance "TSFC066" |Format-Table | Out-File -FilePath C:\Data\myexport.txt -Append
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT 'MyFooter Text Is The Last Line' AS txt" -ServerInstance "TSFC066" |Format-Table -HideTableHeaders| Out-File -FilePath C:\Data\myexport.txt -Append


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Bill Talada - Friday, January 13, 2017 6:52 AM

    NineIron - Friday, January 13, 2017 4:17 AM

    I need to export files that are in this format. So, the header row is 01, next row is 05, data is 10, and the trailer is 99. I know how to get the data, rows that begin with 10, but not sure how to format the header and trailer. If it is not possible then, I'll use VB or something to do the formating. Any thoughts?

    05BATCH Group6 Gross Charges    2015102820150930STNDR JRNL
    1080-457-003                                  92000
    1080-462-003                                   2000
    1080-463-003                                   2000
    1080-464-003                                   2000
    1080-466-003                                   4000
    1080-476-003                                   3000
    1080-489-003                                   2000
    1080-547-003                                   2000
    1080-552-003                                   3000
    1080-564-003                                   1500
    1080-566-003                                   3000
    1080-588-003                                   1500
    1080-594-003                                   1500
    1080-599-003                                   1500
    1080-615-003                                   4500
    1080-941-003                                  50260
    1080-760-074                          0
    1080-112-285                     175760

    It looks like you're formatting a text file for COBOL.  My approach would be to create a table variable and insert all the formatting and extra header and footer rows into it.  Then it is an easy final SELECT for the whole file.  It makes it easy to debug too.
    Another way to handle it would be to PRINT every formatted line to an output file and avoid doing a SELECT.
    I guess we really need to know the big picture, if you can use isql, SSIS, or other technology to accomplish this.  Will it be a once-and-done or a repeated job?

    Currently, I am using an ACCESS db to manipulate the data and then using PRINT and output to a text file. General ledger data comes from a system called IDX but, it has to be reformatted in order to be uploaded into another system called MEDITECH. I thought there might be a way to do it in SQL, maybe using BCP. I'm sure it can be done using SSIS but, that isn't available right now. I only have SSMS Express.

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