Select a value from another Table containing values but not in the same row

  • Hello,
    I'm a T SQL newbie and need some advice.
    I have two tables:
    1) consumed quantity
    Key    Quantity
    aa       500

    2) price list with different prices for kkey and consumed quantity
    Key   Quantity   Price
    aa       100         3.0
    aa        600         2.50
    aa        1000       2.5

    In the case I need the price 2.50 . I have to find the price >= row1 and <= row2.
    How to solve this problem in T SQL?

    Sorry, but my English is very poor.



  • select table1.key, table2.price
    from table1 left join table2 on (table1.key=table2.key)
    where 2 = (select count( distinct price) mm from table2 where table1.price < table2.price);

  • -- sample data


    Consumed ([Key], Quantity) AS (SELECT 'aa', 500),

    PriceList ([Key], Quantity, Price) AS (SELECT 'aa', 100, 3.0 UNION ALL SELECT 'aa', 600, 2.50 UNION ALL SELECT 'aa', 1000, 2.0)

    -- solution

    SELECT c.[Key], c.Quantity, x.Price

    FROM Consumed c

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 Price FROM PriceList pl WHERE pl.Quantity > c.Quantity ORDER BY pl.Quantity) x

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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