• Comments posted to this topic are about the item SOS

  • I think Microsoft is trying to win over front end Developers to try to win the war against some of the NOSQL stuff out there.  The term "SOS" might actually catch on with the younger Developers, which will provide the next 2 generations of profits if they're successful.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • As long as 3rd party tools as SQL Prompt or SSMS Boost does not support SOS, it is unlikely, that I would use it regularly, except it implements all the important features from this tools - as much better IntelliSense, highly configurable formating and snippelts (SQL Prompt) or the column finder, grid aggregate, info, when a query was finished (SSMS Boost)).

    On the other hand - if it has a better debugger or some  other features, that works better, I'd give it a try for those special needs.

    God is real, unless declared integer.

  • I find it hard to understand who is this piece of software is for. At first, after reading the doc, I thought it was for junior DBA/BI. This is true that you cannot do much beside the basics SQL statements. If you don't know how to create or modify a column there are some useful snippets. You can export easily the result of the SQL into CSV, Jason and Excel (I haven't test if it deals well with commas and return carriage characters in a column but I expect that in 2017 Microsoft must have solved this issue). I was very excited when I saw the "chart viewer". I mean, how great would it be to be able to analyse on the fly the data we are generating (visualizing for example the distribution of nulls values within a table, having the ability of doing histogram and scatter plot without having to export the data into Power BI, Excel or R/Python)?
    But then I was very disappointed to see how un-intuitive is the interface: who want to learn to code in Jason in order to get a simple scatter plot? I mean, seriously?? I wouldn't expect a junior DBA/BI wanted to waste time to learn to code in Jason when it is fast and easy to get the same result in Power BI. And expert users are probably going to stay away.

  • Unless I hear people commenting that it's better than SSMS I won't even bother looking because I use Windows, so what's the point?
    It's a bit like VS code, I've seen it and read the odd article about it but I just think, meh, I have full VS.

    All these products, although cross platform, IMHO are clearly aimed at macOS and Linux people, not Windows.
     I presume due to the structure and reliance on Windows for VS and SSMS it would simply take too much effort to port those to macOS/Linux hence why SOS and VS Code exist.

  • It's certainly interesting, if nothing else. At home it's really useful, as I'm a Linux user, so I don't have to rely on VS Code with the MS SQL extension, or SQLCMD. I recall them saying, before, that they have no plans for MSOS to replace SSMS; it does feel, right now, like it's a much lighter version of it. You can only connect to the data engine side of the SQL Server, no SSIS/SSAS/SSRs and (probably more importantly) you can't access Agent via it right now (hopefully this'll come).

    The dashboards, however, are quite a nice feature, something that I think could work well in SSMS as well. They're completely customisable, you can adjust the size and shapes of the "Insights", what ones are displayed, and what data. You have a choice of different graphs, or text views as well. You can build them both at Server and Database level, and they're separate entities for both and each user configures them up themselves, rather than at server level and one size "fits all" for everyone.

    It's certainly early days right now, but (from my point of view) a welcome edition for those outside the Windows Environment (but it is lacking the full SSMS experience right now, being version 0.23). Hopefully, when SSAS, SSRS, etc, come to other platforms, so too will the functionality of MSOS.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • The nifty thing about VS Code is that it does support twenty-trillion different programming languages on multiple OSes. Unless MSOS gets extended to non-MS database engines and does it well, I really don't see the reason other than let Mac users access Azure and SQL Server without running a VM or another product for database access/management. (Huge chunks of developers love their Macs, me excluded.)

    And as a cross-platform developer, I'm still not seeing a reason to run SQL Server on Linux even with MSOS. If you can afford the license for the SQL Server, you can afford the license for the Windows and not lose the native tooling. There's counterparts to this in the Linux ecosystem as well.

    And there might be another reason to run MSOS, to avoid running Windows all together. Silly as it seems, I was given a decent surplus workstation for the house with a Windows license and I'm torn if I really want to run it native or as a VM under Linux when I need to run the rare app that absolutely requires it.  

  • chrisn-585491 - Friday, November 17, 2017 6:31 AM

    The nifty thing about VS Code is that it does support twenty-trillion different programming languages on multiple OSes. Unless MSOS gets extended to non-MS database engines and does it well, I really don't see the reason other than let Mac users access Azure and SQL Server without running a VM or another product for database access/management. (Huge chunks of developers love their Macs, me excluded.)

    And as a cross-platform developer, I'm still not seeing a reason to run SQL Server on Linux even with MSOS. If you can afford the license for the SQL Server, you can afford the license for the Windows and not lose the native tooling. There's counterparts to this in the Linux ecosystem as well.

    And there might be another reason to run MSOS, to avoid running Windows all together. Silly as it seems, I was given a decent surplus workstation for the house with a Windows license and I'm torn if I really want to run it native or as a VM under Linux when I need to run the rare app that absolutely requires it.  

    Now that Windows 10 has the bash command line stuff via some Ubuntu wizardry is there a need to use Linux? 😛

  • I sort-of liked it, but there's some basic navigation things that are off, and I don't think it's better than SSMS at this point. In the query results grid, for instance, I could not find a way, via the keyboard, to get back to the first row of results. And it had an annoying habit of repositioning me at row #1 when I switched to a new window and came back.

    I think if they fix some of the annoyances, it could be pretty useful.

  • peter.row - Friday, November 17, 2017 6:39 AM

    chrisn-585491 - Friday, November 17, 2017 6:31 AM

    The nifty thing about VS Code is that it does support twenty-trillion different programming languages on multiple OSes. Unless MSOS gets extended to non-MS database engines and does it well, I really don't see the reason other than let Mac users access Azure and SQL Server without running a VM or another product for database access/management. (Huge chunks of developers love their Macs, me excluded.)

    And as a cross-platform developer, I'm still not seeing a reason to run SQL Server on Linux even with MSOS. If you can afford the license for the SQL Server, you can afford the license for the Windows and not lose the native tooling. There's counterparts to this in the Linux ecosystem as well.

    And there might be another reason to run MSOS, to avoid running Windows all together. Silly as it seems, I was given a decent surplus workstation for the house with a Windows license and I'm torn if I really want to run it native or as a VM under Linux when I need to run the rare app that absolutely requires it.  

    Now that Windows 10 has the bash command line stuff via some Ubuntu wizardry is there a need to use Linux? 😛

    Multiple reasons, but that's a huge topic. For myself it's easier to setup, customize and configure. It runs on Raspberry Pi and all of the Top 500 supercomputers. You can scrunch a Linux image down to bare bones plus app code and run it as a custom secure appliance. (See the Nerves project which uses Elixir.)  My 6 year old laptop runs well under Fedora, but crawls with Windows.  I still have Windows VM at home for two reasons: Excel/Word and a few other custom hardware devices, (radios, test equipment), that don't have a Linux port. (Mainly to upgrade firmware.) Almost all of my current Windows work is at the office.

    Bash still works better in it's native environment, just like SQL Server.  😎

  • chrisn-585491 - Friday, November 17, 2017 7:10 AM

    peter.row - Friday, November 17, 2017 6:39 AM

    chrisn-585491 - Friday, November 17, 2017 6:31 AM

    The nifty thing about VS Code is that it does support twenty-trillion different programming languages on multiple OSes. Unless MSOS gets extended to non-MS database engines and does it well, I really don't see the reason other than let Mac users access Azure and SQL Server without running a VM or another product for database access/management. (Huge chunks of developers love their Macs, me excluded.)

    And as a cross-platform developer, I'm still not seeing a reason to run SQL Server on Linux even with MSOS. If you can afford the license for the SQL Server, you can afford the license for the Windows and not lose the native tooling. There's counterparts to this in the Linux ecosystem as well.

    And there might be another reason to run MSOS, to avoid running Windows all together. Silly as it seems, I was given a decent surplus workstation for the house with a Windows license and I'm torn if I really want to run it native or as a VM under Linux when I need to run the rare app that absolutely requires it.  

    Now that Windows 10 has the bash command line stuff via some Ubuntu wizardry is there a need to use Linux? 😛

    Multiple reasons, but that's a huge topic. For myself it's easier to setup, customize and configure. It runs on Raspberry Pi and all of the Top 500 supercomputers. You can scrunch a Linux image down to bare bones plus app code and run it as a custom secure appliance. (See the Nerves project which uses Elixir.)  My 6 year old laptop runs well under Fedora, but crawls with Windows.  I still have Windows VM at home for two reasons: Excel/Word and a few other custom hardware devices, (radios, test equipment), that don't have a Linux port. (Mainly to upgrade firmware.) Almost all of my current Windows work is at the office.

    Bash still works better in it's native environment, just like SQL Server.  😎

    Have you tried Windows 10 IoT edition - which runs on a Raspberry Pi

  • peter.row - Friday, November 17, 2017 7:14 AM

    Have you tried Windows 10 IoT edition - which runs on a Raspberry Pi

    Yes, however, have you tried running Word on that..? How about Excel? It's not really "Windows" as we know it.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A - Friday, November 17, 2017 7:19 AM

    peter.row - Friday, November 17, 2017 7:14 AM

    Have you tried Windows 10 IoT edition - which runs on a Raspberry Pi

    Yes, however, have you tried running Word on that..? How about Excel? It's not really "Windows" as we know it.

    No, but then again what office/artist/cad apps are you running on Linux on a Raspberry Pi, and how well do those run?

     I get the set-up/config preference, but the other things are irrelevant. Doesn't matter if it runs on a toaster or a mug or whatever wacky uses, I don't work on a toaster/mug and hence the ability for it to do so mean nothing.
    Various people in the computer fixing business and other hardware based things have said to me that Win10 runs better on older hardware than either 7 or 8.

  • I puttered with this a bit yesterday and I don't see giving up SSMS for it anytime soon, at least not as a full time tool.

    What I could see as a possible use case, for me at least, would be a sort of "SQL Monitor Lite" functionality.  I didn't dig too deep into the "insights" tools, but I suspect you could home-brew a relatively useful monitoring screen with this.

    There are some interface annoyances, such as when you open something like options or the like (which are on the left of the screen,) the actual page to make changes is on the RIGHT side of the screen.  The first time I ran into this, I initially thought the app had gone unresponsive...

  • I haven't decided yet on whether or not I'd like to see someone come up with a product with the acronym "SHINGLE".


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