Blog Post

Last Weeks Top “Reading” Links #59


2012-01-013Monday morning and it’s time for weekly round-up.  If you follow me on twitter (@StrateSQL), you’ll know that throughout the day I tweet out some links of things I find interesting.  While these links aren’t the answer to life, the universe, and everything, they do share a few things about SQL Server and other topics that people that follow me may find useful.

The links included in this summary are those prefixed with ”Reading” and are items I’ve read over the past few days, usually after hours when sharing would be less than useful, and spaced out to avoid spamming.  The content of the links usually pertain to SQL Server, technology, and career topics; which I think others would find useful.

Most Popular LinkS

The most popular link from last week includes a an infographic on how and when to follow-up on an interview. Follow-ups and thank you’s after interviews are a bit rare these days. If you are wondering whether you should and when, check out the link.

Last week’s top 20 “Reading” Links

Along with the top link, here are the top twenty items relating to SQL Server, technology and careers that were sent out last week.  If you missed them throughout the week, here’s the opportunity to get caught up on some items that other’s read after I linked them out.

  1. Finally! THIS is How You Follow Up After a Job Interview [Infographic] [58 clicks]
  2. 5 Questions Great Job Candidates Ask BY Jeff Haden [29 clicks]
  3. What Developers Need to Know About SQL Server [24 clicks]
  4. 10 Things I Hate About Interviewing with You–Follow Up [21 clicks]
  5. What’s the Age Limit for Becoming a DBA? [21 clicks]
  6. Seeks Aren’t Always Better Than Scans [19 clicks]
  7. Exceptions – what sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats doesn’t tell you [19 clicks]
  8. Origins: Using A Non-correlated Subquery To Avoid DISTINCT [18 clicks]
  9. Get a Report of Your Server’s Top 10 Worst Queries [16 clicks]
  10. Microsoft Hyper-V 2012 R2 Enhancements That DBAs Should Care About [15 clicks]
  11. Are Foreign Keys Better Than Indexes? [15 clicks]
  12. SQL Power Doc Update – Version [15 clicks]
  13. Job Worries over Automation [14 clicks]
  14. Use TOP instead of SET ROWCOUNT [12 clicks]
  15. Real world story of DBCC PAGE saving the day [11 clicks]
  16. Frequently Asked Questions About TempDB [10 clicks]
  17. VMware vSphere 5.5 Enhancements That DBAs Should Care About [9 clicks]
  18. Replication and VLFs [9 clicks]
  19. The MERGE statement doesn’t have a WHERE clause. [9 clicks]
  20. The Jerk Quotient for Leaders [8 clicks]

Other Stuff Shared

Of course, no week would be complete without a few off-topic links.  These have nothing to do with technology or your career, but they are interesting and worth a second look.

  1. There’s Something In This Peaceful Picture That You Don’t Realize. When You See It…OMG. [46 clicks]
  2. If you are going to twerk, it should always end like this. [24 clicks]
  3. Dayna Morales, Waitress And Marine, Denied Tip Because Of Her ‘Gay Lifestyle’ [17 clicks]
  4. Doctor Who: 4 Ways Peter Capaldi Could Break The Regeneration Limit [12 clicks]
  5. Crest Gave A Bunch Of Kids Healthy Flavored Halloween Candy And Their Reactions Are Predictably Horrified [8 clicks]
  6. The Day of the Doctor: A Preview [5 clicks]

Got something you think I should read and share, leave a comment below.  Also, if you want to see all of the links that were tweeted out last week?  Then follow the links on my tumblr blog or subscribe to it’s RSS feed.


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