Pivot usage

  • Hi,

    I have following table structure

    Transaction (transactionId int,

    Column2 varchar(10))

    TransactionTracking (id int,

    TransactionId int, -- FK_Transaction.transactionid

    Name varchar(20),

    Value varchar(20))

    Transaction data

    TransactionId Column2

    123 aaa

    234 3333




    Id TransactionId name Value

    1 123 CreatedBy me

    2 123 CustomerId 1212

    3 123 Accno 1w3w3e4

    4 234 CreatedBy me22

    5 234 CustomerId 12122

    6 234 Accno 1w3w3e42


    I want to convert rows into columns for every transactionid.So that data may look like following

    TransactionId CreatedBy CustomerId AccNo

    123 me 1212 1w3w3e4

    234 me2 121222 1w3w3e42

    I wrote following sql to return results in pivot , it is showing columns but not placing values under them. please suggest what i have done wrong and what other way exist to accomplish it



    SELECT tr.transactionid,tr.transactionid as TranId,td.name ,td.VALUE

    FROM Transaction tr

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TransactionTracking td

    ON tr.transactionid=td.transactionid

    WHERE td.name in ('CustomerId','CreatedBy','AccNo')





    FOR name in (CustomerId,CreatedBy,AccNo


  • Change MAX(transactionid) to MAX( Value ) in your query

    The below method is another way to accomplish the same

    SELECT TT.TransactionId,

    MAX( CASE WHEN TT.name = 'CreatedBy' THEN TT.Value ELSE NULL END ) AS CreatedBy,

    MAX( CASE WHEN TT.name = 'CustomerId' THEN TT.Value ELSE NULL END ) AS CustomerId,

    MAX( CASE WHEN TT.name = 'Accno' THEN TT.Value ELSE NULL END ) AS Accno

    FROM TransactionTracking AS TT

    GROUP BY TT.TransactionId

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

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