Help with PIVOT

  • Could you show me how to pivot this so I get the YearMonth as column headers and the rows being PatientStatus and Location?

    create table #TEST


    YearMonth varchar(10),

    PatientStatus varchar(10),

    Location varchar(10),

    PatientVisits int


    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2015-10','IN','B4','103')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2015-11','IN','B4','92')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2015-12','IN','B4','97')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2016-01','IN','B4','89')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2016-02','IN','B4','80')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2016-03','IN','B4','100')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2016-04','IN','B4','11')

  • See below. This has hardcoded columns, if you want to make it dynamic have a look at the linked article.

    SELECT *


    (SELECT PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits, YearMonth

    FROM #TEST) AS SourceTable




    FOR YearMonth IN ([2015-10],[2015-11],[2015-12],[2016-01],[2016-02],[2016-03],[2016-04])

    ) AS PivotTable;

  • Thanks and yes, I need it to be dynamic. Thanks for the article

  • This can also be achieved using crosstabs which have the benefit of being simpler and faster. You'll still need to come up with a dynamic solution though.




    MAX(CASE WHEN YearMonth = '2015-10' THEN PatientVisits END) AS '2015-10',

    MAX(CASE WHEN YearMonth = '2015-11' THEN PatientVisits END) AS '2015-11',

    MAX(CASE WHEN YearMonth = '2015-12' THEN PatientVisits END) AS '2015-12',

    MAX(CASE WHEN YearMonth = '2016-01' THEN PatientVisits END) AS '2016-01',

    MAX(CASE WHEN YearMonth = '2016-02' THEN PatientVisits END) AS '2016-02',

    MAX(CASE WHEN YearMonth = '2016-03' THEN PatientVisits END) AS '2016-03',

    MAX(CASE WHEN YearMonth = '2016-04' THEN PatientVisits END) AS '2016-04'






    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • Hey this is an example using a dynamic solution.

    create table #TEST


    YearMonth varchar(10),

    PatientStatus varchar(10),

    Location varchar(10),

    PatientVisits int



    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2015-10','IN','B4','103')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2015-11','IN','B4','92')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2015-12','IN','B4','97')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2016-01','IN','B4','89')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2016-02','IN','B4','80')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2016-03','IN','B4','100')

    insert into #TEST(YearMonth, PatientStatus, Location, PatientVisits) values('2016-04','IN','B4','11');

    WITH myValues (n) AS




    SELECT @sql =

    'SELECT PatientStatus, Location' +

    (SELECT ' , MAX(CASE WHEN YearMonth = ' + '''' + CAST( n AS VARCHAR(7)) + '''' + ' THEN PatientVisits END) AS ' + '''' + CAST( n AS VARCHAR(7)) + ''''

    FROM myValues FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('./text()[1]', 'nvarchar(MAX)') +

    ' FROM #TEST' +

    ' GROUP BY PatientStatus, Location'

    EXECUTE (@sql)


    Pretty cool technique I learnt from Luis. 😉

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • yb751 (4/11/2016)

    Pretty cool technique I learnt from Luis. 😉

    You just made my day 🙂

    I learned this concatenation method from Wayne Sheffield, which he explains it in here:

    And combined it with the great article on dynamic cross tabs from Jeff Moden:

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thanx.

  • Luis Cazares (4/11/2016)

    yb751 (4/11/2016)

    Pretty cool technique I learnt from Luis. 😉

    You just made my day 🙂

    I learned this concatenation method from Wayne Sheffield, which he explains it in here:

    And combined it with the great article on dynamic cross tabs from Jeff Moden:

    That's awesome! Great example on how knowledge is contagious.

    SELECT quote FROM brain WHERE original = 1
    0 rows returned

  • OK. Now for some more knowledge transfer..................this stored procedure containing the dynamic sql is used for an SSRS report. The dataset isn't pulling the fields because of issues with SSRS. Any thoughts?

  • NineIron (4/11/2016)

    OK. Now for some more knowledge transfer..................this stored procedure containing the dynamic sql is used for an SSRS report. The dataset isn't pulling the fields because of issues with SSRS. Any thoughts?

    You should probably need to use the pivoting capabilities of SSRS instead of using a dynamic approach.

    SSRS requires a static dataset to be able to map the columns correctly. If you're changing them on every call, you'll keep getting errors.

    If you're pivoting on T-SQL, you need a static amount of columns with consistent names. You might also need columns for the "column name" instead of using "Period 1", "Period 2", ..., "Period N".

    I always forget how to pivot on SSRS and have to figure it out again (I almost never use SSRS). But I remember is not really difficult with the appropriate object.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thanx. I didn't know you could pivot with SSRS but, am willing to learn.

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