HELP - Excel to SSIS

  • I am in a little dilemma and i was wondering if any of you guys have come

    across same issue.

    I am integrating a Excel file through SSIS. the issue i am having is

    randomly the first 10 rows in any particular column might be Blank. So SSIS

    auto picks the data type for me.

    What i want to do is add a dummy row (say right below the header row). that

    way SSIS picks the data type as expected.

    I read online that it can be accomplished using script task. Can anyone get

    me started on that (i am not a C# person).

    I did fix the issue temporarily by converting excel to CSV using script

    task. But it seems like the organization do not like that idea.

  • Have a read here and see whether that helps you at all.

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil,

    Thank you for the link. i had read on it before. That is not an option for me. Basically i have to insert a dummy row in the excel to align with the requirement.

  • SolveSQL (10/27/2015)


    Thank you for the link. i had read on it before. That is not an option for me. Basically i have to insert a dummy row in the excel to align with the requirement.

    That's the standard fix for this issue. Would it make a difference if you knew that it only had to be applied to the developer's computer? The problem only occurs when trying to create/modify the file connection to the Excel file, not during execution.

    The other standard fix is to convert the Excel file to CSV, which I see you've already tried. Did they give a reason for prohibiting this approach? You may need to fight back on this.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Drew,

    No i didn't get any actual (or concrete) reason on why we want it this way (big surprise there :-D).

    I conveyed my approach and also did a proof of concept....hoping for positive response!

    But as always...client wants it that way!

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