Stripping part of a filename

  • I have a filename as follows:


    What I would like to extract from this fill name is the "3152" only. What is the correct way to do this?

  • There are many ways to do this, depending upon the data, but here are a couple of possibilities:

    DECLARE @FILENAME VARCHAR(50) = '123_20151016_3152_AIRHtest1.txt';

    SELECT @FILENAME = REPLACE(@FILENAME, '.txt', ''); --Remove file extension.

    SELECT @FILENAME = REPLACE(@FILENAME, '_', '.'); --Replace underscores with full stops/periods.

    SELECT PARSENAME(@FILENAME, 2); --Use PARSENAME function to select second element from the right.


    DECLARE @FILENAME VARCHAR(50) = '123_20151016_3152_AIRHtest1.txt';

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@FILENAME, CHARINDEX('_',@FILENAME, 5)+1, 4) --Start at 5th character and search for underscore.

  • You have not explained the criteria (e.g. "I need the the number between the third and fourth underscore")...

    That said, the splitter referenced in my signature will do the trick.

    SELECT Item

    FROM DelimitedSplit8K('123_20151016_3152_AIRHtest1.txt','_')

    WHERE ItemNumber = 3;

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • I think that Alan hit the nail on the head. If you aren't familiar with DelimitedSplit8K yet, take the time to read Jeff's article. Dig in and spend the time to get familiar with it. Be forewarned that it will change the way you look at data.

    If this is the type of thing you do frequently, you can save yourself some time now and make this function accessible from a centralized utility database. It will save you from having to create it in multiple databases.

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