SSRS report connection Oracle Database as the source

  • I was asked to write SSRS Report that connects to Oracle Database and I have not done it before.

    what are the options for the people who connected before?

    we have vendor oracle Database and we want to write report using SSRS

    thanks in advance.

  • A quick search turned up a ton of information...

    Oracle Connection Type (SSRS)

    Data Sources supported by SSRS

    How to add an Oracle data source in SSRS

  • have you find anything useful for me ?


  • Which of the links above did you try? What were the steps you used and what was the result?


  • You can lead a horse to water....

    Isn't that kind of presumptuous? Send me your paycheck, and then I'll do your job.

  • The links were provided to you because the subject matter is something that people figure that you can read through and understand on your own. It is better to get comprehensive knowledge than quick short answers to specific situations when you are learning a new subject. I looked over the materials posted here and there is good information there to at least get you started. If after going through some reading you are still stuck then feel free to post those issues here. To answer questions, readers like to know what you have done and what is the current environment, configurations , ... etc... that you are working with. That gives clear information of what to focus on next to try and resolve your issues.


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