Blog Post

Last Weeks Top “Reading” Links #43


2012-01-013Weekly round-up of the links that I tweet out number 43.  As an introduction, if you follow me on twitter (@StrateSQL), you’ll know that throughout the day I tweet out some links of things I find interesting.  While these links aren’t the answer to life, the universe, and everything, they do share a few things about SQL Server and other topics that people that follow me may find useful.

The links included in this summary are those prefixed with ”Reading” and are items I’ve read over the past few days, usually after hours when sharing would be less than useful, and spaced out to avoid spamming.  The content of the links usually pertain to SQL Server, technology, and career topics; which I think others would find useful.

Most Popular Link

The most popular link last week contains a list of habits that many of us have, but are not too popular to exercise while at work. In excess, these can eventually get you canned or stunt your prospects in your organization.

Along with the most popular link for the week, I’m also including the least click link for the week. It links to a blog post by Karen Lopez (Blog | @datachick).  In the post, Karen talks about how even tiny data can have a lot of value.

Last week’s top 20 “Reading” Links

This weeks topics included an item on screwing up at work and a few links related to Windows Azure.  Fortunately, the screw up link wasn’t related to anything that I did, but the Azure one’s touch on a fun new project I’ve been working on to deploy a Business Intelligence environment into Windows Azure.  Without further ado, here are the top twenty links related to SQL Server, technology and careers.

  1. 5 Habits That Will Stunt Your Career Growth [91 clicks]
  2. Free SQL Server Tools [43 clicks]
  3. 9 Negative Social Habits to Quit Today [43 clicks]
  4. The 10 Hardest Jobs To Fill In 2013 – Forbes [36 clicks]
  5. Adam Machanic : INSERT SELECT is Broken. Ask Microsoft to Fix It. [33 clicks]
  6. No Excuse for No Experience: 4 Foolproof Tips to Fill Holes in Your Resume [24 clicks]
  7. Free Tools for Testing SQL Sever [23 clicks]
  8. Index Columns and Names [15 clicks]
  9. Tuesday #41 – Presenting and Loving it! [13 clicks]
  10. Read Ahead Read and Scan Count [12 clicks]
  11. Big Data Summer Reading List [11 clicks]
  12. Big Data Learning Resources [11 clicks]
  13. Your Frame of Reference [10 clicks]
  14. Joe Chang : Brute Force Hardware versus Tuning [10 clicks]
  15. Do Not Enable AUTO_SHRINK [9 clicks]
  16. Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are #TED [9 clicks]
  17. Book Recommendation: Writing That Works – How to Communicate Effectively in Business [9 clicks]
  18. Paging Data with TSQL [9 clicks]
  19. Checkout your twitter analytics from twitter itself [9 clicks]
  20. The Key Habits of Organization [9 clicks]
  21. Managing Transaction Log Growth [9 clicks]
  22. This presentation is all about me – presentation skills part 1: Food for thought… [8 clicks]
  23. Richard St. John’s 8 secrets of success #TED [8 clicks]
  24. SharePoint Adventures : Claims, Named Pipes and Kerberos [8 clicks]
  25. sp_ssiscatalog v1.0.4.0 available now with new feature – view most recent failed execution [SSIS] [6 clicks]
  26. Big Data: Size isn’t everything [5 clicks]

Other Stuff Shared

Of course, no week would be complete without a few off-topic links.  These have nothing to do with technology or your career, but they are interesting and worth a second look.

  1. 5 Awesome Ways Famous Plot Twists Were Kept Secret [16 clicks]
  2. Doctor Who cookies [15 clicks]
  3. The Pixar Theory: Every Character Lives in the Same Universe [15 clicks]
  4. How Microsoft killed off a massive botnet, with trademark law [14 clicks]
  5. LEARN HOW TO COOK – Doritos Finger Food – Handle It [3 clicks]
  6. Chinese Burger – Epic Meal Time [3 clicks]
  7. Suzanne Goin’s Grilled Pork Burgers [2 clicks]

Got something you think I should read and share, leave a comment below.  Also, if you want to see all of the links that were tweeted out last week?  Then follow the links on my tumblr blog or subscribe to it’s RSS feed.


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