Convert and Combine Currencies

  • Hi,

    I have a table of invoices with different currency types, AUD, USD, EUR, INR, RUP, CND etc... the final solution requires all of them converted to AUD, EUR and USD.

    Set 1 AUD

    I can convert them using total*rate e.g 13600*1.39 combined with a where currency = 'USD' or *1.00 where currency = 'SGD'. This combine with UNION function will achieve what i need but it's not very efficient or elegant. So there is a select for each currency type with it conversion rate, but can anyone suggest a better way?


    Country, divisionbuyer,Invoice_id, TotalIncTax, Currency, date

    Australia,acme,1211, 1200, USD, 2016-12-06

    Australia,david inc, 333, 3300, SGD, 2016-08-25

    Australia, franks LTD, 5000, AUD,2016-07-22

    Australia, Lions, 1000000, INR, 2016-08-09






    ,SUM([total invoices])as [Total Invoices]

    ,'$' + REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(20), (CAST(SUM([Total Inc GST]) AS money)), 1), '.00', '') as [Total Inc GST]







    , h.company_id

    ,datename(Month,date) as [Month]

    ,count(h.invoiceid) as [Total Invoices]

    , CASE WHEN Currency = 'SGD' THEN (l.TotalInclGST * 1.00) END AS [Total Inc GST]

    , CASE WHEN Currency = 'SGD' THEN replace(currency, 'SGD','AUD') END AS [Currency]

    from [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Header] h

    inner join [dbo].[Companies] c

    on h.company_id = c.company_id

    inner join [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Line] l

    on h.InvoiceID = l.InvoiceID

    Where Currency = 'SGD'

    group by h.company_id,h.DivisionBuyer,country,datename(Month,date),currency





    , h.company_id

    ,datename(Month,date) as [Month]

    ,count(h.invoiceid) as [Total Invoices]

    ,CASE WHEN Currency = 'USD' THEN (l.TotalInclGST * 1.37) END AS [Total Inc GST]

    , CASE WHEN Currency = 'USD' THEN replace(currency, 'USD','AUD') END AS [Currency]


    from [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Header] h

    inner join [dbo].[Companies] c

    on h.company_id = c.company_id

    inner join [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Line] l

    on h.InvoiceID = l.InvoiceID

    Where Currency = 'USD'

    group by h.company_id,h.DivisionBuyer,country,datename(Month,date),currency





    , h.company_id

    ,datename(Month,date) as [Month]

    ,count(h.invoiceid) as [Total Invoices]

    ,CAST(SUM(l.TotalInclGST) AS money) as [Total Inc GST]


    from [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Header] h

    inner join [dbo].[Companies] c

    on h.company_id = c.company_id

    inner join [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Line] l

    on h.InvoiceID = l.InvoiceID

    where Currency = 'AUD'

    group by h.company_id,h.DivisionBuyer,country,datename(Month,date),currency

    )as t1

    group by company_id,DivisionBuyer,country,[Month], currency

    order by country,company_id,[month],currency

  • Currency conversion rates are not fixed, you know.

    They change every day.

    To pick the right rate for any particular invoice you need to have a table with conversion rates between all the pairs of currencies recorded for any particular day.

    Do you have such a table?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Yeah I just created a rate table, dbo.aus for the first set. trying to make it more dynamic so the rates can be updated and automatically and if there's match for that currency in the invoice table then convert them all to Australian Dollar.

    Table dbo.aus

    currency_name, shortname, rate

    Singapore dollar, SGD, 1.00

    American dollar, USD, 1.39

    Danish Krone, DKK, .029

    I have tried this cursor method, it runs but there's no output and the blank rows are in different sets.

    DECLARE @currencytype VARCHAR

    DECLARE currency_cursor CURSOR FOR

    SELECT currency

    FROM [ReadsoftSP_Extracts].[dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Header]

    OPEN currency_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM currency_cursor

    INTO @currencytype




    SET @rate = (select Rate from [ReadsoftSP_Extracts].dbo.AUD where Shortname = @currencytype)




    , h.company_id

    ,datename(Month,bccuploaddate) as [Month]

    ,count(h.invoiceid) as [Total Invoices]

    , CASE WHEN Currency = @currencytype THEN (l.TotalInclGST * @rate) END AS [Total Inc GST]

    , CASE WHEN Currency = @currencytype THEN replace(currency, @currencytype,'AUD') END AS [Currency]

    from [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Header] h

    inner join [dbo].[Companies_BCC] c

    on h.company_id = c.company_id

    inner join [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Line] l

    on h.InvoiceID = l.InvoiceID

    Where Currency = @currencytype

    group by h.company_id,h.DivisionBuyer,country,datename(Month,date),currency, [TotalInclGST]

    FETCH NEXT FROM currency_cursor

    INTO @currencytype


    CLOSE currency_cursor

    DEALLOCATE currency_cursor

  • I added a primary key to the AUD currency table and tried this. it returns the same as the cursor, multiple emtpy sets, can anyone detail what is wrong.


    DECLARE @Index INT

    SET @Index = 1

    SET @Row = (select Count(currency_name) from dbo.aud)

    WHILE @Index <= @Row


    DECLARE @currencyname VARCHAR


    SET @currencyname = (select shortname from [ReadsoftSP_Extracts].dbo.AUD where CID = @row)

    SET @rate = (select Rate from [ReadsoftSP_Extracts].dbo.AUD where Shortname = @currencyname)




    , h.company_id

    ,datename(Month,bccuploaddate) as [Month]

    ,count(h.invoiceid) as [Total Invoices]

    , CASE WHEN Currency = @currencyname THEN (l.TotalInclGST * @rate) END AS [Total Inc GST]

    , CASE WHEN Currency = @currencyname THEN replace(currency, @currencyname,'AUD') END AS [Currency]

    from [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Header] h

    inner join [dbo].[Companies_BCC] c

    on h.company_id = c.company_id

    inner join [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Line] l

    on h.InvoiceID = l.InvoiceID

    Where Currency = @currencyname

    group by h.company_id,h.DivisionBuyer,country,datename(Month,bccuploaddate),currency, [TotalInclGST]

    SET @Index = @Index + 1


  • ringovski (5/19/2016)

    Yeah I just created a rate table, dbo.aus for the first set. trying to make it more dynamic so the rates can be updated and automatically and if there's match for that currency in the invoice table then convert them all to Australian Dollar.

    Table dbo.aus

    currency_name, shortname, rate

    Singapore dollar, SGD, 1.00

    American dollar, USD, 1.39

    Danish Krone, DKK, .029

    I have tried this cursor method, it runs but there's no output and the blank rows are in different sets.

    First, your table dbo.aus must have a date range for each rate (or a single date when the rate is applied):

    currency_name, shortname, date, rate

    Singapore dollar, SGD, '20160520', 1.00

    American dollar, USD, '20160520', 1.39

    Danish Krone, DKK, '20160520', .029

    Singapore dollar, SGD, '20160519', 1.00

    American dollar, USD, '20160519', 1.37

    Danish Krone, DKK, '20160519', .025

    Second, you do not need to cursor through the currencies.

    Use just a join, and apply rates only when the currency of the invoice is not the currency of the report (AUS).

    DECLARE @ReportCurrency VARCHAR(10)

    Set @ReportCurrency = 'AUS'

    SET @rate = (select Rate from [ReadsoftSP_Extracts].dbo.AUD where Shortname = @currencytype)




    , h.company_id

    ,datename(Month,bccuploaddate) as [Month]

    ,count(h.invoiceid) as [Total Invoices]

    , l.TotalInclGST * ISNULL(CC.rate, 1) AS [Total Inc GST]

    , @ReportCurrency AS [Currency]

    from [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Header] h

    LEFT JOIN dbo.aus CC ON CC.shortname = I.Currency and I.InvoiceDate = CC.Date

    inner join [dbo].[Companies_BCC] c on h.company_id = c.company_id

    inner join [dbo].[AUS_Invoice_Line] l on h.InvoiceID = l.InvoiceID

    group by h.company_id,h.DivisionBuyer,country,datename(Month,date), [TotalInclGST]

    Because "AUS" is not mentioned in dbo.AUS.shortname the would not be a join for AUS invoices,CC.Rate will be NULL, and it will be replaced with 1 by ISNULL in SELECT.

    You may wish to have date ranges for the rates.

    In this case create columns FromDate, ToDate insterad of Date, and use

    LEFT JOIN dbo.aus CC ON CC.shortname = I.Currency and CC.From Date<=I.InvoiceDate and I.InvoiceDate <CC.ToDate

    Code for TallyGenerator

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