Sql server databases and instances migration from one DC to another

  • Hi all,

    This is my first post. Apologies if i miss any forum rules to post topics.

    We have a project where we require to migrate sql server databases from one location to another

    via SAN replication(It would be new SAN allocated and may be of different vendor than source) .

    This new location is a new build. There are 50 instances and 1000 databases to be migrated .

    Can anybody explain detail steps required to migrate sql server databases via SAN replication.



  • SAN replication is a hardware-based solution, which means you need to read your hardware's documentation, especially where it specifically mentions SQL Server. SQL Server uses write-ahead logging (search msdn for >bob dorr sql server i/o<). The hardware's replication must honor WAL, or the replication can end up (but not always) creating a corrupt copy.

  • Hi ,

    Thanks for your reply.

    SAN replication would be taken care by Storage admin.

    From sql server DBA perspective, need to know my tasks in this scenario.

    I am assuming below points:

    1) applications would be stopped in source

    2) databases would be stopped in source

    3) san replication would put all MDF and LDF files in to target LUNS.

    4) Since its a new build at source, I will have to install sql server instances with same configuration as source.

    After step 4, what all are my steps would be to bring back the databases up and running in target.

    I need specific details. Please correct me in above steps if I have missed something and guide.



  • ysrhashmi (9/21/2016)

    Hi ,

    Thanks for your reply.

    SAN replication would be taken care by Storage admin.

    From sql server DBA perspective, need to know my tasks in this scenario.

    I am assuming below points:

    1) applications would be stopped in source

    2) databases would be stopped in source

    3) san replication would put all MDF and LDF files in to target LUNS.

    4) Since its a new build at source, I will have to install sql server instances with same configuration as source.

    After step 4, what all are my steps would be to bring back the databases up and running in target.

    I need specific details. Please correct me in above steps if I have missed something and guide.



    Step 2 = Detach databases in SQL Server.

    Step 2a = Stop all SQL Services

    Step 5 = Attach databases.

    Michael L John
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  • Hi,

    Thanks for reply.

    When database services would be stopped, storage admin will migrade data from source san to target san and map the LUNS.

    a)Do I require to deattach database from source?

    Since database is down and all MDF and LDF files would be shifted to new LUNS, can i attach them in target without de-attach in source?

    b)Secondly, any special considerations w.r.t. system databases(master,model,msdb,tempdb)?

    c) When I will install new sql server in target, Do i have to create new databases or simply attach the identified mdf/ldf files including system databases for different databases mapped in LUNs ?



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