Summing and Grouping in SSRS

  • I have a query that outputs something like so:

    VID | PID | AID | AMT | VNO

    123 | XYZ | 000 | 100.00 | 2

    123 | XYZ | 000 | 103.00 | 324

    123 | XYZ | 011 | 102.00 | 324

    123 | XYZ | 012 | 325.00 | 324

    123 | XYZ | 011 | 416.00 | 324

    123 | XYZ | 013 | 155.00 | 324

    There are many different PID's (Project ID's). Each PID can have multiple VID's(Vendor ID's) and each VID can have multiple VNO's(Voucher Numbers). If possible, I would like to sum the the AMT(Cost Amount) when the when the VNO is the same for a distinct VID. Then, I need to grand total each PID, which is the total of all VNO's under all VID's for a distinct project.

    Whew:w00t:...Your help is greatly appreciated.

  • Grasshopper,

    If you post your expected result and the create table and enough insert statements to replicate your setup, it's a lot easier to help. See Jeff Moden's article[/url] Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help

    It explains how to post etc. It should be required reading for anyone new to this site. =)

  • Apologies Ninja Warrior. I'll work on getting it in a better format for the pros.


    VID INT,

    PID CHAR(3),

    AID INT,












    Here's the create table and insert statements... now, what is the output report supposed to look like? That part isn't clear. Could you give an example of the totals etc? Thanks!

  • The total for VID '123' with a VNO '2' should equal 100.00

    The total for VID '123' with VNO '324' should equal 1101.00 (103.00 + 102.00 + 325.00 + 416.00 + 155.00)

    The total for PID 'XYZ' should equal the sum of those total above 1201.00 (100.00 + 1101.00)

    Hope this makes more sense.

  • Something like this? (You'd have to import the report into your project. It's using a connection to my dummy database, but you'd have to change it to point to your database.

    The only confusing part is when you have to add the totals row... the rest was pretty easy.

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