Blog Post

SQL Saturday #211 Chicago Wrap Up


This past Saturday I had the pleasure of speaking at one of the largest SQL Saturdays I have ever attended – SQL Saturday Chicago. I was happily blown away by the attendance of well over four hundred highly-motivated individuals, and really enjoyed all of the interactivity and questions in my packed-beyond-capacity session!

Session Abstract:

Database Health and Performance    

Sure, your SQL Server is up and running. Is it healthy? Is it performing the best that it can? Where are your performance bottlenecks? In an emergency, can you objectively demonstrate where a performance problem lies? This dynamic dialog session by David Klee (@kleegeek) will present a solid process for checking your environment’s overall health and performance levels as well as solutions for common problems. Some of the items focused on include dynamic management views (DMVs), Windows Perfmon, and disk performance tools such as IOMeter and SQLIO.

Download the slides and scripts here: Database Health and Performance slides and scripts

Special thanks goes to the coordinators and volunteers, and as always, the attendees of this awesome event. You all did a tremendous job and should be commended!

A special shout out goes to my friend Frank Gill (t | b)! You did a fantastic job at this event and I wish you continued luck as you ramp up your speaking career!

I will certainly see you all next year!


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