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Presentation Materials “What Are You Waiting For?” #SQLSat211


Chicago Skyline After lunch, I led the session “What Are You Waiting For?” at SQL Saturday Chicago #211.  It was another well-received session and the attendees definitely learned a lot about the value in wait stat analysis.  The only downside, was my snap decision to add an extended event demo to show the connection between looking at wait stats and connecting to the information that they can use to immediately start to mitigate the performance issues that are showing up.  It did seem, though, that with the change that the light bulb went on for a few people and there were some converts in the crowd.

If you have questions on this session, please leave a comment below.  For the presentation materials, you can download them (What Are You Waiting For (SQLSat211)) or if you just want to flip through the slides, you can do that below.

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