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Pragmatic Works Webcasts This Week #passwit


WebcamEvery week, Pragmatic Works offers up its “Training on the Ts” webcast series and this month, in honor of Women’s History Month, the series is showcasing all of its sessions with women speakers.  Doing this offers all of us a chance highlight some of the female voices in our male dominated field.  Hopefully, this focus inspires some to take the chance to present at their user groups.  And, if not, provides everyone a chance to learn a few new things about SQL Server.

High Volume Data Processing Techniques Without Driving Your DBA Crazy!

Tuesday, this week, Julie Koesmarno (Blog | @MsSQLGirl) will be presenting on data processing with the session “High Volume Data Processing Techniques Without Driving Your DBA Crazy!“.  While a lot of the topics we see these days tend to focus on SQL Server 2012, Julie’s session will also cover similar techniques that can be used in SQL Server 2008.  The abstract for the session is:

Ever wondered how to process millions of rows daily? Is partitioning the only solution? Fear not, SQL Server 2012 comes with new TSQL functions and index enhancement to help solve high volume data processing with techniques that will be kind to your server. Giving you less reason to drive your DBA crazy with poorly performing code. View a demo on the ultimate batching techniques to conquer high volume data processing in SQL Server 2012, and comparing it with SQL Server 2008R2. Justify investment for SQL Server 2012 from both a development and performance point of view and understand how to achieve the same objective in SQL Server 2008.

The webcast begins at 11 AM EST on March 26 and you can register here to get the meeting details.

Maximizing the Data Exploration Capabilities of Power View

Following the Tuesday presentation is Thursday’s session by Melissa Coates (Blog | @SQLChick); which wraps up Pragmatics Works’ month of Women in Technology sessions.  Melissa will be presenting on PowerView and discussing some of it’s capabilities in the session titled “Maximizing the Data Exploration Capabilities of Power View“.  As she describes her session:

Would business users in your organization love to get their hands on an interactive, visually-oriented, data exploration tool? If so, Power View may be a useful addition to your BI environment to handle certain types of self-service reporting requirements. In this session we will demonstrate the features and functionality of Power View including highlighting, cross-filtering, play axis, small multiples, tiles, cards, maps, filtering, and exporting. We will identify which situations Power View is most suited for, as well as its strengths and limitations. Capabilities in SharePoint 2010/2013 vs. Excel 2013 will be reviewed, as well as restrictions on types of data sources allowed. We will also discuss how to prepare a dataset in order to maximize the usability and functionality of Power View. Join us for this session to discover how to get the most out of Power View!

The webcast begins at 11 AM EST on March 28 and you can register here to get the meeting details.

Sessions Already This Month

If you missed it, there were a few other Women In Technology session already this month that you might be interested in:

Check these out, there’s always time to learn something new.



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