How to easily test SQL Codes online and share them with others ?

  • I am looking for some online service like - SQL Fiddle - but with better features. SQL Fiddle limits the database size to a small sample and does not have any proper user features to manage the fiddles systematically "like having a method of proper tags or comments about each fiddle etc."

    It should allow me to quickly create a demo database online and then experiment with various queries on it. I did some searching online and found that there are quite a lot of such services available, like -

    But it is not possible for me to manually tryout all of them. So I was looking for some tried and tested solution, which is already being used by a lot of users here.

    Please suggest the best options in this regards, from your own experience.

    Thanks a lot

  • If you're looking for a demo database, your DBA should be able to create one for you to play in. That'll give you the ability to play with different approaches to problems and figure out which ones work best. The database might be in your development environment, so you won't have the best CPU power and memory, but you can performance test things against one another.

    I give developers their own databases to play and experiment with in our development environment when they need them.

  • Have you considered downloading SQL Server Express (free) or buying SQL Server Developer Edition (about $50)? You'd have your own full-blown copy to play with then.

    [font="Arial"]Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves or we know where we can find information upon it. --Samuel Johnson[/font]

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