How to achieve "Full word match" value comes from source table column

  • create table #Source(Column_source varchar(20))

    Insert into #Source values('1'),('2')

    need to search full word match from #source table column column_source values 1 & 2 with #result table column Column_result

    create table #result(column_result varchar(20))

    Insert into #result values('223 1'),('122 2 11'),('323 22 1'),('133')

    If i join the above two tables i need result set like below, should match full word from source table column values which are 1 & 2

    : Results

    223 1

    122 2 11

    323 22 1

    need exact full word match result should be like below.. I'm not looking for LIKE operator

  • What's wrong with LIKE operator if it does exactly what you're asking for?

    SELECT *

    FROM #Source s

    JOIN #result r ON ' ' + r.column_result + ' ' LIKE '% ' + s.Column_source + ' %'

    Further explanation:

    Luis C.
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  • Luis Cazares (2/4/2016)

    What's wrong with LIKE operator if it does exactly what you're asking for?

    SELECT *

    FROM #Source s

    JOIN #result r ON ' ' + r.column_result + ' ' LIKE '% ' + s.Column_source + ' %'

    Further explanation:

    I does not pick the first value: '223 1'.

    Correction: It does, but only for a limited case of a single delimiter, blank space in this case.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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