Multiple updates using a CTE

  • Hi Everyone,

    Can anyone help me on writing this code using a CTE or any other method which do not use a table varaible or a temp table as the users do not permissioms to run this code from the application because of thier roles which are required for creating and dropping the temp tables. I replaced table variable in place of Temp tables however the query never completes, probably because of the number of rows.


    SELECT A.[Entry No_], A.[G_L Account No_],A.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group],A.[Document No_],A.[Posting Date]

    INTO temp1

    FROM [G_L Entry] as A ,[G_L Account] as B

    where A.[G_L Account No_]= B.[No_]

    SELECT VE.[Entry No_],VE.[Document No_],VE.[Posting Date],VE.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] , GLILER.[G_L Entry No_]

    INTO temp2

    FROM [Value Entry] as VE, [G_L - Item Ledger Relation] as GLILER

    where VE.[Entry No_]=GLILER.[Value Entry No_]

    update temp1 set temp1.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = temp2.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    from temp1, temp2 where temp1.[Entry No_] = temp2.[G_L Entry No_]

    update temp1 set temp1.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = temp2.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    from temp1 , temp2

    where temp1.[Document No_] = temp2.[Document No_]

    select distinct VE.[Entry No_],VE.[Document No_],VE.[Posting Date],VE.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    into temp3

    FROM [Value Entry] as VE , [G_L Entry] as A

    where VE.[Document No_] = A.[Document No_]

    update temp1 set temp1.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = temp3.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    from temp1 , temp3

    where temp1.[Document No_] = temp3.[Document No_]

    update [G_L Entry] set [G_L Entry].[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = temp1.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]

    from [G_L Entry],temp1

    where [G_L Entry].[Entry No_] = temp1.[Entry No_]

    drop table temp1

    drop table temp2

    DROP TABLE temp3




  • How can the users run scripts to UPDATE tables if they can't even use table variables or temp tables?

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

  • First, you aren't using actual temporary tables but permanent tables as temporary tables.

    Try this:



    A.[Entry No_],

    A.[G_L Account No_],

    A.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group],

    A.[Document No_],

    A.[Posting Date]




    [G_L Entry] as A ,

    INNER JOIN [G_L Account] as B

    ON (A.[G_L Account No_] = B.[No_]);


    VE.[Entry No_],

    VE.[Document No_],

    VE.[Posting Date],

    VE.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group],

    GLILER.[G_L Entry No_]




    [Value Entry] as VE

    INNER JOIN [G_L - Item Ledger Relation] as GLILER

    ON (VE.[Entry No_] = GLILER.[Value Entry No_]);

    update t1 set

    [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = t2.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]


    #temp1 t1

    inner join #temp2 t2

    on (t1.[Entry No_] = t2.[G_L Entry No_]);

    update t1 set

    [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = t2.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]



    inner join #temp2 t2

    on (t1.[Document No_] = t2.[Document No_]);

    select distinct

    VE.[Entry No_],

    VE.[Document No_],

    VE.[Posting Date],

    VE.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]




    [Value Entry] as VE

    inner join [G_L Entry] as A

    on (VE.[Document No_] = A.[Document No_]);

    update t1 set

    [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = t3.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]


    #temp1 t1

    inner join #temp3 t3

    on (t1.[Document No_] = t3.[Document No_]);

    update gle set

    [Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group] = t1.[Gen_ Prod_ Posting Group]


    [G_L Entry] gle

    inner join #temp1 t1

    on (gle.[Entry No_] = t1.[Entry No_]);

    drop table #temp1

    drop table #temp2

    DROP TABLE #temp3


  • Sorry Lynn,

    I replaced the # while formatting the text to update in the Site, I am using #temp tables in the query.

  • ksrikanth77 (7/23/2014)

    Sorry Lynn,

    I replaced the # while formatting the text to update in the Site, I am using #temp tables in the query.

    Well, you changed the entire meaning of the code by removing the # from your code.

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