AVG Function not working as expected.

  • Hi All,

    i am trying to get avg of datesdiff value for the below data. I may have 0 in the datesdiff column if there is no difference in the dates, but AVG should be of all the datesdiff i.e.; 0+2+3/3 =1 but i am getting two rows. Please execute below to see what i am saying. can you please help me in figuring out where i am doing wrong.

    Declare @a Table


    Type varchar(30),

    SubType varchar(30),

    dates date,

    datesdiff int


    Insert into @a


    Insert into @a


    Insert into @a


    select * From @a

    Select Type,SubType,dates,AVG(datesdiff) avgvalue

    from @a

    where datesdiff>=0

    group by Type,SubType,dates

    Thanks in advance and let me know if i am not clear.

  • i think it's integer division. SQL maintains the datatype, and the avg is truncated to a integer.

    change the datatype of the column from int to decimal(19,4) and you get 2.5

    Declare @a Table


    Type varchar(30),

    SubType varchar(30),

    dates date,

    datesdiff decimal(19,4)


    Insert into @a


    Insert into @a


    Insert into @a


    select * From @a

    Select Type,SubType,dates,AVG(datesdiff) avgvalue

    from @a

    where datesdiff>=0

    group by Type,SubType,dates


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  • Ya Decimal or integer is ok but what i want in the output is only one row with 1 in it , i.e AVG of all 3 rows. (0+2+3)/3 but currently i am getting 2 rows with 0.0000 and 2.50000

  • Your data has a tab in it, so you are getting two rows: one with a tab, and one without. SQL will often ignore trailing spaces, but tabs are not spaces, so it does not ignore trailing tabs.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • That's because you don't have a trailing space in that first value of the type column.

    It's a horizontal tab, which makes that value not equal to the others.

    You'll need to handle that to make it work as expected.


    EDIT: Heh, as usual, if you go off and do other things while posting, someone beats you to it. +1 to Drew's point.

  • Thank you I need to check with ltrim(rtrim(avg(datesdiff))) to get in one row. I will keep you posted .

  • dhanekulakalyan (4/26/2016)

    Thank you I need to check with ltrim(rtrim(avg(datesdiff))) to get in one row. I will keep you posted .

    LTRIM() will remove leading spaces, RTRIM() will remove trailing spaces. Again tabs are not spaces, so they will be unaffected by LTRIM()/RTRIM().


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • This will do the job:


    [Type] varchar(30),

    SubType varchar(30),

    dates date,

    datesdiff decimal(19,4)


    INSERT INTO @a VALUES('a','ab','2016-04-01',0);

    INSERT INTO @a VALUES('a','ab','2016-04-01',2);

    INSERT INTO @a VALUES('a','ab','2016-04-01',3);

    SELECT *

    FROM @a;

    SELECT REPLACE([Type], CHAR(9), '') AS [Type], SubType, dates,

    AVG(datesdiff) AS avgvalue

    FROM @a

    WHERE datesdiff >= 0

    GROUP BY REPLACE([Type], CHAR(9), ''), SubType, dates;

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