SELECT .. INTO to replace empty string or NULL value

  • I need a sanity check on some code I've written.

    I have a large table (more than 100 million rows) that needs an update on several columns. I decided to build a new table using SELECT .. INTO rather than run an UPDATE statement.

    SELECT [Column1], [Column2], CASE [Column3] WHEN '' THEN 0 WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE [Column3] END AS 'Column3', [Column4]

    INTO [dbo].[Table_Update]

    FROM [dbo].[Table];

    The statement runs without error, but when I query the new table I do not see the results I expect to see.

    When I query the original table, I get a count of 8,390 records in which Column3 = ''. I expected to get zero rows when I query the new table for records in which Column3 = '', but instead I get the same count as before. Yet, when I query the new table for records in which Column3 = '', I see the 0 that I inserted into Column3 of the new table.

    Why do I get these results when it appears that my update succeeded?

  • Implicit conversion is treating your '' value as a zero and making the column a numeric column. When you query a numeric column:

    WHERE Column3 = ''

    is the same as

    WHERE Column3 = 0

    This should do the trick... In your SELECT INTO statement change:

    CASE [Column3] WHEN '' THEN 0 WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE [Column3] END AS 'Column3'


    CAST(CASE [Column3] WHEN '' THEN 0 WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE [Column3] END AS varchar(10)) AS 'Column3'

    As a side note: you can simplify this part of your query like so:

    CASE WHEN [Column3] IN ('',NULL) THEN 0 ELSE [Column3] END AS 'Column3'

    Edit: added little side note...

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Alan.B (2/17/2016)

    Implicit conversion is treating your '' value as a zero and making the column a numeric column. When you query a numeric column:

    WHERE Column3 = ''

    is the same as

    WHERE Column3 = 0

    This should do the trick... In your SELECT INTO statement change:

    CASE [Column3] WHEN '' THEN 0 WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE [Column3] END AS 'Column3'


    CAST(CASE [Column3] WHEN '' THEN 0 WHEN NULL THEN 0 ELSE [Column3] END AS varchar(10)) AS 'Column3'

    As a side note: you can simplify this part of your query like so:

    CASE WHEN [Column3] IN ('',NULL) THEN 0 ELSE [Column3] END AS 'Column3'

    That implicit conversion is becoming one of my biggest headaches on this project. Let me try your code and get back to you. Thanks.

    Edit: added little side note...

  • Did what I posted help?

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Yes it did, thanks for pointing this out.

    I had to experiment a little bit to figure out what was going on. Two of the columns in the original table were integer columns. What I didn't realize until now is that if I insert a space into an integer column, it is automatically converted to a zero.

    For those of you following this, here's an example:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test] (

    [Column1] CHAR(1) NULL,

    [Column2] INT NULL


    INSERT INTO [dbo].[Test] (




    VALUES ('A', '');

    SELECT *

    FROM [dbo].[Test] -- Notice what value is returned for the second column

    I then checked a little further, and found out there aren't any empty strings in any of the other columns either. But to be safe, I created another table with varchar columns and inserted spaces into those columns. I then ran my SELECT .. INTO statement and it updated those values as I expected.

    Thanks again for your help, this was driving me crazy this afternoon.

  • No problem. 😎

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

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