Visual Studio environment for database development

  • Our group currently uses SSMS 2012 for database development. We have folks dedicated to database development, and a separate team who works with app changes.

    Last time I tried Visual studio as a replacement for development work in SQL, it seemed a little clunky. I'm curious if anyone focused primarily on database development has recently tried using SSDT with VS 2012, 2013 and found it to be much more streamline and make a viable replacement for SSMS on the development side.

  • The benefit you get from using SSDT for database development is the database project itself not the environment. You get direct integration with TFS for source/version control, code analysis, and the build process so you can know if any code you've changed has errors in it before you deploy. I expect all my databases to be developed using SSDT.

  • We use SSDT with Visual Studio 2013 and it works quite well; the ability to use TFS for source control is particularly useful along with generating the change scripts for use in live implementation.

    I wouldn't see it as a replacement for SSMS though. It's still useful to have that around for trying things out on the development server.

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