Blog Post

Speaking at PASSMN Tomorrow & Happy Hour


PASSMNLogoCome on out to the Minnesota PASS SQL Server User Group (PASSMN) tomorrow and hear me speak about extended events.  It’ll be my first meeting since joining Pragmatic Works a couple months back and first presentation as a Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008.

The meeting starts at 4:00 PM with my presentation beginning at 4:15 PM.  So, if you are interested, here’s the abstract:

Extended Events: Work Smarter Not Harder

Of the many ways to monitor your SQL Server environment, Extended Events is one of the newer platforms that can help you investigate and resolve performance problems. In this special 90-minute session, we’ll review Extended Events and learn the ins and outs of how to get and analyze detailed information on the errors and events that occur within SQL Server. With a few T-SQL statements, you can research in minutes issues that used to take weeks to investigate.

This is the same presentation material that I did this year at the PASS Summit.  There might be a couple changes thought, since then.  Afterwards, hang out with us for a bit because I think some of us will be heading over for drinks and appetizers at the bowling alley around the corner.



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