Blog Post

PASS 2012 Countdown – 3 Weeks To Go


Another week down and there are now 3-weeks until this year’s PASS Summit.  Take a moment and register now if you haven’t.  It’s really easy to do, click on the banner below and enter your information and your manager’s credit card information.  She called me earlier today, go ahead and do it.  No, really…

Like last week, I’m adding in a dumb video with a SQL theme.  Hopefully it’s a little more bearable than last weeks.

Evidently, I need to record these with a better sound system.

After talking about the during the day at the PASS Summit, this post is going to help you figure out some of the PASS Summit night life.  Because there is one thing for certain, when the exhibition hall closes and the last presentation of the day is finished, there is still networking and learning to be had.

To start making your plans, there are a few things to keep in mind.  While you make you plans consider these:

  1. Participating in after hours activities does not require being a party animal
  2. Hanging out in your hotel room is not an after hours event
  3. Going to a movie is the wrong kind of after hours event
  4. You don’t need to be invited to come and join people

One of the first times that I went to PASS, I had no idea what to do after the sessions ended.  I didn’t really know anyone but my co-worker that was there and we weren’t the most social people.  In many situations, my natual introversion takes over and I become a wallflower.  So that year, we went to a few events – left early and actually considered a movie one night, but instead went back to our smelly hotel room.  This was not a good example of leveraging the networking opportunities at PASS.

The PASS Summit is only a week and you can’t push off the opportunity to hang out with the people there for a week.  So, what are you supposed to do at night?

Scheduled Events

First, let’s look at the events that are scheduled:

Sunday, November 4

TBD Photowalk #1 An annual event that is hosted by Pat Wright, you get a tour of some great Seattle sites and an opportunity to learn a little more about photography.

Monday, November 5

6:00pm Monday Night Networking Dinner – Meet people that want to meet other people.  It’ll probably be easier to meet new peers here than it is to add people to your newest Google+ circle.

Tuesday, November 6

TBD Photowalk #2 Same event on a second day and also hosted by Pat Wright.
5:30pm First Timers Orientation and Networking Session – If this is your first time at PASS, you should be here.  A little anxious?  Suck it up – so is everyone else.  That’s the dirty little networking secret – almost everyone else is as nervous as you may be at networking.
6:30pm PASS Summit 2012 Welcome Reception and Quiz Bowl – It’s fun.  It’s questions.  It’s a chance to see my Quiz Bowl team not win anything.
8:00pm Exceptional DBA Awards Party – Want to throw down a few cards and chips.  This is the place to be.  A room full of hopes dashed by the cards.  Hang out and share your luck with other SQL Server professionals.  Also, watch the awards ceremony for this year’s Exceptional DBA.

Wednesday, November 7

6:30am PASS Summit 2012 #SQLRUN - If you like to run and want to make a few friends in the SQL Server community, then check out this year’s SQL Run by Jes Borland.

6:15pm Exhibitor Reception – Vendors and free food.  Listen to some of them talk and maybe find out your new project is just a purchase away from completion.  Or not… “dude, it’s free food”.
9:00pm SQL Karaoke – This is probably my favorite evening event.  Jager and singing.  The event starts at 9:30 when the KJ arrives and goes until the bar shuts down.  Get here early, because it tends to get packed and it will be standing room only after a while.  I can pretty much guarantee that you’ll find me onsite with a table by 9:00 so come down and visit before the real fun starts.

Thursday, November 8

6:45am Breakfast Presentation – While not necessarily an after hours event, you can jump in for a morning breakfast and a little education from Fusion IO and SIOS Technology on “Meeting the Most Demanding SQL Server Performance and High Availability Requirements without Going Broke.”
6:30pm Colorado PASS Summit 2012 Dinner - An event for attendees from Colorado or wanting to network with people from Colorado.  Join in for some dinner and networking.
7:00pm Community Appreciation Party – Seattle’s Experience Music Project for some free food, drinks and music.  Join in for a light dinner and drinks, live band Rockaraoke, rock star simulations, and more at this interactive venue featuring some of rock music’s most celebrated memorabilia!

Unscheduled Events

Of course, how can I tell you about unscheduled events.  Honestly, I can’t because by their nature they haven’t been scheduled.  This is where you come in.  At anytime, there are probably 5 or more people from PASS at whatever venue that you visit.  Look around and see, you may find a peer just around the corner.  Get together, share a table, then pull together a few others and a couple more tables.  And it is on… like Donkey Kong.

To help get unscheduled events going there are a few places that you may want to gravitate towards…

If you see a group of people, ask to join in.  Most of us don’t bite.  A good way to plan your evening itinerary is by finding out where people are on Twitter or FourSquare.

Related posts:

  1. PASS 2012 Countdown – 2 Weeks To Go
  2. PASS 2011 Countdown – 3 Weeks To Go
  3. PASS 2012 Countdown – 5 Weeks To Go


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