More Efficient Way For this T-SQL Query

  • Hi Folks,

    I am trying to optimize a report and will try to keep my question very simple. I have a table where instead of datetime columns, data has been aggregated and stored in forms of integer datekeys and hourkeys

    SnapshotDate HourKey

    20140801 0

    20140801 1




    20140801 23

    20140802 0

    ...and so on.

    I am trying to select some data from this table:

    select * from Table WHERE SnapshotDate>=@from and SnapshotDate<=@to

    Now because hourkeys are unique only for a date and repeats with same pattern for other dates, in this query I have to exclude some hours for both @from and @to paramters eg. I do not want hourkeys 0,1,2 for '@from' and for '@to' i want to exclude 21,22,23.

    One way is to get all data in temp tables and delete what I don't need,

    select * into #temp WHERE SnapshotDate>=@from and SnapshotDate<=@to

    delete from #temp

    where (snapshotDate=@from and hourkey not in (0,1,2))

    delete from #temp where(snapshotdate=@to and hourkey not in(21,22,23))

    select * from #temp

    This did not look neat but can get me the results,but I am looking for a better approach than this because I am sure this can be done, its just that I am not able to think it at the moment. Please advice.


    Chandan Jha

  • Try this:

    SELECT *

    FROM Table


    You did not provide any table DDL and sample data, so I could not test this query.

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  • Chandan

    It's not entirely clear what your requirement is, but if I understand correctly, I think the simplest solution is to use a CTE or add a computed column to your table, so that you can do proper date arithmetic.


    ADD SnapshotDateTime AS DATEADD(hh,HourKey,cast(SnapshotDate as char(8)))

    -- or

    WITH MyTablePlus AS (

    SELECT SnapshotDate

    , HourKey

    , DATEADD(hh,HourKey,cast(SnapshotDate as char(8))) AS SnapshotDateTime


    SELECT ...


  • SELECT *

    FROM YourTable

    WHERE SnapshotDate > @from AND SnapshotDate < @to

    OR (SnapshotDate = @from AND hourkey > 2)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @to AND @to < 21)

  • Koen Verbeeck (8/19/2014)

    Try this:

    SELECT *

    FROM Table


    You did not provide any table DDL and sample data, so I could not test this query.

    Thanks a lot. I will try this with DateAdd function but I would like to admit that I did not frame the question well enough to be helped. But thanks for your inputs.

  • John Mitchell-245523 (8/19/2014)


    It's not entirely clear what your requirement is, but if I understand correctly, I think the simplest solution is to use a CTE or add a computed column to your table, so that you can do proper date arithmetic.


    ADD SnapshotDateTime AS DATEADD(hh,HourKey,cast(SnapshotDate as char(8)))

    -- or

    WITH MyTablePlus AS (

    SELECT SnapshotDate

    , HourKey

    , DATEADD(hh,HourKey,cast(SnapshotDate as char(8))) AS SnapshotDateTime


    SELECT ...


    Thanks . Yes I am trying to rewrite the code with CTE. First CTE will have everything, and the next one will exclude from the parent one what I don't need. It should be better than using temp table.

  • Ken McKelvey (8/19/2014)

    SELECT *

    FROM YourTable

    WHERE SnapshotDate > @from AND SnapshotDate < @to

    OR (SnapshotDate = @from AND hourkey > 2)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @to AND @to < 21)

    Actually this looks pretty much what I need, but it is causing too many rows in the result set so possible I need to adjust my queries better. I will try to use a CTE for this but the logic what you wrote is actually what I need.



  • Ken McKelvey (8/19/2014)

    SELECT *

    FROM YourTable

    WHERE SnapshotDate > @from AND SnapshotDate < @to

    OR (SnapshotDate = @from AND hourkey > 2)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @to AND @to < 21)

    Typo in the last OR:

    OR (SnapshotDate = @to AND hourkey < 21)


  • My preference would be this (the "extra" parentheses are important to properly match the requirements):

    SELECT *

    FROM YourTable

    WHERE (SnapshotDate > @from AND SnapshotDate < @to)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @from AND HourKey >= 3)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @to AND HourKey <= 20)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher (8/19/2014)

    My preference would be this (the "extra" parentheses are important to properly match the requirements):

    SELECT *

    FROM YourTable

    WHERE (SnapshotDate > @from AND SnapshotDate < @to)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @from AND HourKey >= 3)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @to AND HourKey <= 20)

    My preference would be to have a decent datetime column 😀

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • ScottPletcher (8/19/2014)

    My preference would be this (the "extra" parentheses are important to properly match the requirements):

    SELECT *

    FROM YourTable

    WHERE (SnapshotDate > @from AND SnapshotDate < @to)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @from AND HourKey >= 3)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @to AND HourKey <= 20)

    Bingo!! the missing brackets in the first filter was causing my result set to be bizzare. It all looks great now. Thanks for spotting this. We miss simpler things at times while trying too many complex things.


  • Koen Verbeeck (8/20/2014)

    ScottPletcher (8/19/2014)

    My preference would be this (the "extra" parentheses are important to properly match the requirements):

    SELECT *

    FROM YourTable

    WHERE (SnapshotDate > @from AND SnapshotDate < @to)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @from AND HourKey >= 3)

    OR (SnapshotDate = @to AND HourKey <= 20)

    My preference would be to have a decent datetime column 😀

    I can't agree with you more. A datetime field should not be stored as integers, in this current design it is being stored as integers as datekey and hourkey.

    In one of the reports, they were taking these two fields, combine them to get a datetime entity and then compare it with a parameter.

    While people were reluctant to change this as a whole, I proposed to do the opposite i.e Convert the parameters instead and compare to your column schema rather than doing the opposite. On a new platform to which we migrate in a month, I am going to change this and let things in a proper way but my project is mostly run by developers and the DBA voice is suppresed:-)

  • Thanks Koen, John,Ken,Chris and Scott for all your suggestions. All the answers helped me to view the problem and its solution through different approaches.


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