Count Number Of Investors in fund

  • Hi,

    Please help me with this :

    I need to take count of investors invested and having balance in Funds:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 by date 12-03-2010

    I have following tables:

    aao_Fund_AJ ,Its Columns are : FId,FName

    aao_Balance_Aj ,its columns are :balance,holder,date

  • That will help to start getting relevant help:

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    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • Reading the link Eugene provided will definitely help get better answers but here's something that I hope will help:


    Count(I.investorid) as investors,



    funds as F

    join investments as I

    on F.fundid = I.fundid


    F.fundid in (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) and

    I.investmentdate <= 12-03-2010

    Group By


    /* this eliminates investors that don't have a balance and assumes

    that investments and withdrawals are in the investments table and

    will 0 each other out because a withdrawal is a negative */


    Sum(I.investmentamount) > 0

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