
  • Hi

    We have a sample gender data, with personid,firstname,lastname, gender etc. before creating a view we should consider, if the gender doesn't exists, we have to take unique gender value of other person whose first name matches with the first name of this person. If two different gender for a first name or first name not found, then we should display it as 'U' other wise the default gender . can we implement this logic in a view?



  • WITH Names (personid, firstname, lastname, gender) AS ( -- sample data

    SELECT 1, 'John', 'Smith', 'M' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, 'Sandy', 'Smith', 'F' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, 'Sandy', 'Jones', 'M' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, 'Sandy', 'Shaw', 'F' UNION ALL

    SELECT 5, 'Kim', 'Hughes', 'M' UNION ALL

    SELECT 6, 'Kim', 'Cattrall', 'F' UNION ALL

    SELECT 7, 'Susan', 'Sarandon', 'F' UNION ALL

    SELECT 8, 'Susan', 'Boyle', 'F' UNION ALL

    SELECT 9, 'John', 'Jones', 'M' UNION ALL

    SELECT 10, 'John', 'Unknown', NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 11, 'Sandy', 'Unknown', NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 12, 'Kim', 'Unknown', NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 13, 'Susan', 'Unknown', NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 14, 'Billy', 'Nomates', NULL UNION ALL

    SELECT 15, 'Billy', 'Unknown', NULL


    , Genders AS ( -- get max and min gender for each fname to see whether there's a mix






    ,MAX(gender) OVER (PARTITION BY firstname) MaxGen

    ,MIN(gender) OVER (PARTITION BY firstname) MinGen








    ,CASE WHEN gender IS NULL THEN -- only do calculation for unknown gender

    CASE WHEN MaxGen = MinGen THEN MaxGen -- if max = min then only one gender

    ELSE 'U' -- if we're not sure, use U


    ELSE gender

    END computed_gender




  • Another possibility....

    USE [tempdb]


    -- We have a sample gender data, with personid,firstname,lastname, gender etc. before creating a view we should consider,

    -- if the gender doesn't exists, we have to take unique gender value of other person whose first name matches with the first name of this person.

    -- If two different gender for a first name or first name not found, then we should display it as 'U' other wise the default gender . can we implement this logic in a view?

    -- Test data:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..Person') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE Person ;



    personid int,

    firstname varchar(50),

    lastname varchar(50),

    gender char(1)


    INSERT Person (personid,firstname,lastname, gender)

    VALUES (1, 'Fred', 'Bloggs', 'M')

    INSERT Person (personid,firstname,lastname, gender)

    VALUES (2, 'Fred', 'Smith', '')

    INSERT Person (personid,firstname,lastname, gender)

    VALUES (3, 'Julie', 'Richards', '')

    INSERT Person (personid,firstname,lastname, gender)

    VALUES (4, 'Lyn', 'Bloggs', 'M')

    INSERT Person (personid,firstname,lastname, gender)

    VALUES (5, 'Lyn', 'Bloggs', 'F')

    INSERT Person (personid,firstname,lastname, gender)

    VALUES (6, 'Lyn', 'Bloggs', '')

    --INSERT Person (personid,firstname,lastname, gender)

    --VALUES (7, 'Julie', 'Hughes', 'F')

    IF OBJECT_ID('vw_Person') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW vw_Person ;


    -- View definition:

    CREATE VIEW vw_Person



    SELECT P.personid, P.firstname, P.lastname, gender = CASE WHEN P.Gender = '' OR P.Gender IS NULL THEN IIF(a.cnt=1, b.Gender, 'U')

    ELSE P.Gender END

    FROM Person P

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT cnt=count(DISTINCT Gender) FROM Person P1 WHERE P1.FirstName = P.FirstName AND Gender<> '' GROUP BY FirstName) a -- Counts no of genders for firstname

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT TOP 1 Gender FROM Person P2 WHERE P2.FirstName = P.FirstName AND Gender<> '' GROUP BY FirstName, Gender) b -- Select TOP 1 to avoid duplicate rows. Only used if a.cnt=1.



    -- View results:

    SELECT * FROM vw_Person;

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