How do I handle the greater than (>) symbol and convert value to decimal

  • I need to create a report that will return a list patient names if their INR lab results are greater than 4.0. The data type of the Results field is varchar(10). If the result is greater than 5.0, it is stored as >5.0.

    select cast(replace(Result, '>', '') as decimal(3,2)) as 'Results' from dbo.TEST where Result>4.0

    After running the above query I get an error, "Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1

    Error converting data type varchar to numeric."

    Any thoughts?

    create table dbo.TEST


    Result varchar(25)


    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('5.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('4.2')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('>5.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('2.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('4.8')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('>5.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('4.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('0.5')

  • This will do the trick

    SELECT *


    WHERE CAST(CASE Result WHEN '>5.0' THEN '6.0' ELSE Result END AS float) > 4.0

    However, casting will make your predicate non-sargable.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • NineIron (10/28/2014)

    I need to create a report that will return a list patient names if their INR lab results are greater than 4.0. The data type of the Results field is varchar(10). If the result is greater than 5.0, it is stored as >5.0.

    select cast(replace(Result, '>', '') as decimal(3,2)) as 'Results' from dbo.TEST where Result>4.0

    After running the above query I get an error, "Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Line 1

    Error converting data type varchar to numeric."

    Any thoughts?

    create table dbo.TEST


    Result varchar(25)


    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('5.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('4.2')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('>5.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('2.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('4.8')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('>5.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('4.0')

    insert into dbo.TEST(Result) values('0.5')

    How does this work for you? It separates the conversion from the comparison.

    with cte(result) as (

    select cast(replace(Result, '>', '') as decimal(3,2))

    from dbo.test


    select result

    from cte

    where Result > 4.0;

  • What does "non sargable" mean?

  • NineIron (10/28/2014)

    What does "non sargable" mean?

    It means it cannot be evaluated using an index.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • spaghettidba (10/28/2014)

    NineIron (10/28/2014)

    What does "non sargable" mean?

    It means it cannot be evaluated using an index.

    Which is usually a bad thing, performance wise.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanx.

  • Perfect. I did have to change the decimal(3,2) to decimal(10,2).


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