Does Replication use linked server.

  • Does Replication use linked server.

    If not then how data will transfer from source to destination.

    Note : As per my knowledge it is not backup and restore like logshipping.

    Please help me.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Replication does not use linked servers. It uses various agents to move data around. Underneath the wrappers, these are actually EXE's that are normally run using SQL Server Agent. Various command line parameters tell the agents what they are doing (e.g. publication, server etc).

    So, the agents are functionally similar to applications that access SQL Server databases although some of their functions are highly specific to the replication tasks required (e.g. reading transaction logs).

    If you need more info, try searching for "SQL Server Replication Architecture" - you will find plenty of information about it.

  • Replication is the procedure or set of technologies used for creating copies and distributing data and database objects from database to another and also maintaining synchronization among these databases.

    But Replication doesn't uses linked server. Actually these are the .exe files and work with server agent.

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