Conditionally select table names from sys.tables

  • Greetings folks,

    I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around what is probably a very easy concept and I've had a hard time googling to track down the answer. Perhaps it's the verbiage I've used for my searches, but I haven't found what I'm looking for.

    I've a database with thousands of tables - a lot of which need to be deleted as they've not historically been maintained. However, some of them need to remain.

    The condition that I need to select the name from sys.tables is as follows:

    Select name from sys.tables where

    DB1.CustomerID.dbo is not in DB1.CustomerContact.dbo

    It's obvious that I'll need to declare a tablename variable, so that it can run through all of the tables systematically.

    This is how far I got before my brain broke and I'm just having a hell of a time thinking through what I need to do

    USE [MyDB]

    DECLARE @TABLE varchar(1000)

    DECLARE @SQL varchar(4000)

    SELECT @table = MIN(name) from sys.objects where type = 'U' and 'MyDB.dbo.' +name IN (select *brain died here*)

    SET @sql = 'USE MyDB GO EXEC sp_rename dbo.' + @table + ', 'DELETE-'+ @table + '; GO

    If I haven't provided enough info to allow you kind folks to assist let me know what I've exluded that's essential. Thank you very much for your time.

  • ... and I'm having a hard time understanding what you want.

    Do you mean you're trying to find all the tables that do not contain a column with a given name? You can get all the table and column names in the database from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table. You can write stored procedures against it just like you can against any other table.

  • pietlinden (10/6/2014)

    ... and I'm having a hard time understanding what you want.


    I also don't really understand what you are trying to accomplish.

    Select name from sys.tables where

    DB1.CustomerID.dbo is not in DB1.CustomerContact.dbo

    --> why is dbo at the end?

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  • I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish either. Basically, it sounds like you want to rename a bunch of tables, but haven't said exactly which ones. I presume they can be queried somehow, which means you could use a query to generate the statement you need by using something like this, but this will generate a row for each table. Please note that this is a shot in the dark.

    select 'execute sp_rename ' + quotename( + ', ' + quotename('DELETE_' + + ';'

    from sys.objects so

    where so.type = 'u'

    order by;

    You could add to the where clause to restrict the list, but I don't understand what your criteria is for inclusion. My guess is that this isn't what you're looking for, so could you please try to restate what you're after?

  • Apologies for the lack of clarity folks.

    In the simplest of terms I am trying to retrieve a list of tables, but only tables that meet a condition.

    DB1 has 13,000 tables named in the following format: XY#####

    The schema of each of these tables is completely identical.

    One of the columns in these tables is VARIABLE1.

    There is another table called COMPARETABLE. This table also has a column named VARIABLE1.

    What I'm trying to do is generate a list of tables where the primary key value of XY#####.VARIABLE1 does not have a match in COMPARETABLE.VARIABLE1

    I sincerely hope that makes more sense than the OP.

  • Herpington_McDerpington (10/7/2014)

    Apologies for the lack of clarity folks.

    In the simplest of terms I am trying to retrieve a list of tables, but only tables that meet a condition.

    DB1 has 13,000 tables named in the following format: XY#####

    The schema of each of these tables is completely identical.

    One of the columns in these tables is VARIABLE1.

    There is another table called COMPARETABLE. This table also has a column named VARIABLE1.

    What I'm trying to do is generate a list of tables where the primary key value of XY#####.VARIABLE1 does not have a match in COMPARETABLE.VARIABLE1

    I sincerely hope that makes more sense than the OP.

    Is it clear? Yep, as clear as Malevich's Black Square...

    Is the VARIABLE1 column in each of XY##### tables represents Primary Key?

    I guess XY##### table may contain more than one value in the VARIABLE1 column, do you want to check if none of them found in COMPARETABLE.VARIABLE1, or if at least one value in XY#####.VARIABLE1 is not found COMPARETABLE.VARIABLE1 you still want to flag your XY##### table?

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  • Eugene Elutin (10/7/2014)

    Is it clear? Yep, as clear as Malevich's Black Square...

    Is the VARIABLE1 column in each of XY##### tables represents Primary Key?

    I guess XY##### table may contain more than one value in the VARIABLE1 column, do you want to check if none of them found in COMPARETABLE.VARIABLE1, or if at least one value in XY#####.VARIABLE1 is not found COMPARETABLE.VARIABLE1 you still want to flag your XY##### table?

    Hello Eugene, thank you for your time sir!

    VARIABLE1 in the XY##### is a primary key. Each row has a unique identifier in this column.

    COMPARETABLE.VARIABLE1 is either going to have a matching unique identifier in this column, or it's not. I want to generate a list of tables where there is not a matching unique identifier in COMPARETABLE. So I believe the query would include a clause to the tune of:


    That's easy enough on an individual table basis. It's the T-SQL that's tripping me up with how I can declare the table names and have it present me with a list.

  • Herpington_McDerpington (10/7/2014)

    Apologies for the lack of clarity folks.

    In the simplest of terms I am trying to retrieve a list of tables, but only tables that meet a condition.

    DB1 has 13,000 tables named in the following format: XY#####

    The schema of each of these tables is completely identical.

    One of the columns in these tables is VARIABLE1.

    There is another table called COMPARETABLE. This table also has a column named VARIABLE1.

    What I'm trying to do is generate a list of tables where the primary key value of XY#####.VARIABLE1 does not have a match in COMPARETABLE.VARIABLE1

    I sincerely hope that makes more sense than the OP.

    Let me see if I understand your request here. You have 13,000 tables in your database with specific naming convention. You then need to look at every row of all 13,000 tables to see if any row in that table has a corresponding row in another table. So in other words you essentially need to run something like this for EACH of the 13,000 tables.

    select 'XY1234'

    from XY1234 t

    join CompareTable ct on ct.Variable1 = t.Variable1

    Are you prepared for how long this is going to take? You have no choice but to execute 13,000 queries here to get a list of table names.


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  • Sean Lange (10/7/2014)

    Let me see if I understand your request here. You have 13,000 tables in your database with specific naming convention. You then need to look at every row of all 13,000 tables to see if any row in that table has a corresponding row in another table. So in other words you essentially need to run something like this for EACH of the 13,000 tables.

    select 'XY1234'

    from XY1234 t

    join CompareTable ct on ct.Variable1 = t.Variable1

    Are you prepared for how long this is going to take? You have no choice but to execute 13,000 queries here to get a list of table names.

    Sean - yes that's what I'm trying to achieve, but I was hoping that it could be done by declaring the table name as a variable and having it automagically go through all tables. I've historically gone to excel and put together some concatenations and just execute in batches of scripts....but I'm trying to establish a better grasp of T-SQL and thought there must be an easier way.

    I guess that if it's not doable that way then there's some sort of consolation with me being unable to figure it out myself haha.

  • Herpington_McDerpington (10/7/2014)

    Sean Lange (10/7/2014)

    Let me see if I understand your request here. You have 13,000 tables in your database with specific naming convention. You then need to look at every row of all 13,000 tables to see if any row in that table has a corresponding row in another table. So in other words you essentially need to run something like this for EACH of the 13,000 tables.

    select 'XY1234'

    from XY1234 t

    join CompareTable ct on ct.Variable1 = t.Variable1

    Are you prepared for how long this is going to take? You have no choice but to execute 13,000 queries here to get a list of table names.

    Sean - yes that's what I'm trying to achieve, but I was hoping that it could be done by declaring the table name as a variable and having it automagically go through all tables. I've historically gone to excel and put together some concatenations and just execute in batches of scripts....but I'm trying to establish a better grasp of T-SQL and thought there must be an easier way.

    I guess that if it's not doable that way then there's some sort of consolation with me being unable to figure it out myself haha.

    You can use dynamic sql to help but at the end of the day you are going to end up with a crap load of queries hitting your db no matter how you do it.


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  • Yeah, there's no way around that for sure.

    Thank you to everyone that replied and tried to understand what the hell I was trying to achieve. I greatly appreciate everyone's time and effort!

  • you can try:


    CREATE TABLE #tResults (TableName VARCHAR(50))

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'INSERT #tResults SELECT ''' + + ''' WHERE ' +


    FROM sys.tables st

    WHERE LIKE 'XY%' AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns sc WHERE sc.[object_id] = st.[object_id] AND = 'VARIABLE1')

    EXEC (@sql)

    SELECT * FROM #tResults

    Having 13000 tables may make @sql too large. then you can chang it to cursor and execute sql per table. In tbhis case it will make no performance difference...

    Please note the SQL syntax used. It ensures that the table name will be fetched in case of XY#### table is empty

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  • Eugene Elutin (10/7/2014)

    you can try:


    CREATE TABLE #tResults (TableName VARCHAR(50))

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'INSERT #tResults SELECT ''' + + ''' WHERE ' +


    FROM sys.tables st

    WHERE LIKE 'XY%' AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns sc WHERE sc.[object_id] = st.[object_id] AND = 'VARIABLE1')

    EXEC (@sql)

    SELECT * FROM #tResults

    Having 13000 tables may make @sql too large. then you can chang it to cursor and execute sql per table. In tbhis case it will make no performance difference...

    Please note the SQL syntax used. It ensures that the table name will be fetched in case of XY#### table is empty

    That's awesome Eugene, thank you so much! I'll give this a spin in dev and see how it goes!

  • Sorry missed page 2.

  • Eugene Elutin (10/7/2014)

    you can try:


    CREATE TABLE #tResults (TableName VARCHAR(50))

    SELECT @sql = @sql + 'INSERT #tResults SELECT ''' + + ''' WHERE ' +


    FROM sys.tables st

    WHERE LIKE 'XY%' AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns sc WHERE sc.[object_id] = st.[object_id] AND = 'VARIABLE1')

    EXEC (@sql)

    SELECT * FROM #tResults

    Having 13000 tables may make @sql too large. then you can chang it to cursor and execute sql per table. In tbhis case it will make no performance difference...

    Please note the SQL syntax used. It ensures that the table name will be fetched in case of XY#### table is empty

    Just an update - Eugene that script has worked famously in Dev with the test tables I've put together and tested against. Thanks so much for taking the time to assist, I greatly appreciate it.

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