Query to get file name and date modified from a directory

  • Hi Experts,

    can you please give a query that will give me a file name and date modified from a directory into a sql table

    basically what we need is a query that will allow me to provide a directory and a variable for number of days for instance 1 day old and I want to be able to able to delete all files older than that date and of course I want to be able exclude files of a particular type where I would give it a wild card statement for example say i wanted to save all csv files i would have the wild card say <> '%.csv'


  • I have written the query . Need to take care of few things as per requirement.

    DECLARE @PathName VARCHAR(256)='E:\abcd\' ,

    @CMD VARCHAR(512)

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#CommandShell') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #CommandShell

    CREATE TABLE #CommandShell ( Line VARCHAR(512))

    SET @CMD = 'DIR ' + @PathName + ' /TC'

    PRINT @CMD -- test & debug

    -- DIR F:\data\download\microsoft /TC

    -- MSSQL insert exec - insert table from stored procedure execution

    INSERT INTO #CommandShell

    EXEC MASTER..xp_cmdshell @CMD

    -- Delete lines not containing filename


    FROM #CommandShell

    WHERE Line NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9] %'

    OR Line LIKE '%<DIR>%'

    OR Line is null


    Line File_details

    ,LEFT(Line,20) AS file_date

    ,Rtrim(LTRIM(substring(Line,21,18))) as file_size

    ,Rtrim(LTRIM(substring(Line,39,Len(Line)))) as file_Names

    from #CommandShell

  • unless there is another reason for loading the results into a sql database, to accomplish what you want you could just use powershell.

    $path = "c:\temp\directory"

    $nodays = "-1"

    $excludes = "*.csv, *.doc"

    get-childitem $path -file -exclude $excludes | where {$_.Lastwritetime -le (get-date).adddays($nodays} |remove-item

    this will remove all files except csv and docs older than 1 day from c:\temp\directory

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  • Please, everyone... remember that there is such a thing as "DOS INJECTION". Take the appropriate safeguards and delouse the inputs.

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