Need some help with a query

  • Hello everyone,

    I need some help with a query.

    I have a table that stores some data. There are two fields that store an ID number, FSDirector and FSMarshall but both of them reference back to a single table using the ID to get a name. so for example, my table's data might look something like this

    OccurrenceID, FSDirector, FSMarshall

    1, 4, 5

    What I want the query to display

    OccurrenceID, FSDirector, FSMarshall

    1, John Doe(name in FSDirector's table with ID 4), Mike Doe (name in FSDirector's table with ID 5)

    So in a table called FSDirectors I have an ID field and and name field

    Now I'm having the issue in my query where I need to look up the 2 different ID's in the FSDirectors table in the same row and then pull their names from the FSDirectors table. When I use a inner join I can't get it to join on both fields. if I try:

    inner join FSDirectors on OccurranceReport.Employee = FSDirectors.empid AND OccurranceReport.FireMarshall= FSDirectors.empid

    The query doesn't return any data, If I try to have it as a separate inner join it complains since I already joined the table.

    I also tried using a subquery but it complained about returning more than one row.

    Here is my query that has the sub query

    Select OccurrenceReport.OccurrenceDate,OccurrenceReport.TimeOfOccurrence,OccurrenceReport.Floor,OccurrenceReport.Description,OccurrenceReport.Injured,OccurrenceReport.FDNY,OccurrenceReport.FalseActual,OccurrenceReport.FPManager,OccurrenceReport.DateSigned,OccurrenceCauses.Cause,FSDirectors.LastName + ', ' + FSDirectors.FirstName as "EmployeeName",(Select FSDirectors.FirstName + ' ' + FSDirectors.LastName as EmpName from FSDirectors inner join OccurrenceReport on FSDirectors.EmpID=OccurrenceReport.FireMarshall where FSDirectors.EmpID=OccurrenceReport.FireMarshall) as "FireMarshall" from OccurrenceReport inner join FSDirectors on OccurrenceReport.EmployeeName=FSDirectors.EmpID inner join OccurrenceCauses on OccurrenceReport.cause=OccurrenceCauses.CauseID inner join Buildings on OccurrenceReport.Building=Buildings.BuildingID

    Here is the query without the subquery

    Select OccurrenceReport.OccurrenceDate,OccurrenceReport.TimeOfOccurrence,OccurrenceReport.Floor,OccurrenceReport.Description,OccurrenceReport.Injured,OccurrenceReport.FDNY,OccurrenceReport.FalseActual,OccurrenceReport.FPManager,OccurrenceReport.DateSigned,OccurrenceCauses.Cause,FSDirectors.LastName + ', ' + FSDirectors.FirstName as "EmployeeName" from OccurrenceReport inner join FSDirectors on OccurrenceReport.EmployeeName=FSDirectors.EmpID inner join OccurrenceCauses on OccurrenceReport.cause=OccurrenceCauses.CauseID inner join Buildings on OccurrenceReport.Building=Buildings.BuildingID

    Here is the query that has the AND that returns no data

    Select OccurrenceReport.OccurrenceDate,OccurrenceReport.TimeOfOccurrence,OccurrenceReport.Floor,OccurrenceReport.Description,OccurrenceReport.Injured,OccurrenceReport.FDNY,OccurrenceReport.FalseActual,OccurrenceReport.FPManager,OccurrenceReport.DateSigned,OccurrenceCauses.Cause,FSDirectors.LastName + ', ' + FSDirectors.FirstName as "EmployeeName" from OccurrenceReport inner join FSDirectors on OccurrenceReport.EmployeeName=FSDirectors.EmpID AND OccurrenceReport.FireMarshall=FSDirectors.EmpID inner join OccurrenceCauses on OccurrenceReport.cause=OccurrenceCauses.CauseID inner join Buildings on OccurrenceReport.Building=Buildings.BuildingID

    So I basically need to add another field to the query that will use the field Occurrence.FireMarshall and then pull the record with that ID in the FSDirectors table and display the person's name instead of ID number

    Thanks in advance

  • Patrick, look up Table Aliases in Books Online. You can indeed join the same table multiple times, but you can't have two tables with the same naming reference.

    Table Aliases should explain it all. If it doesn't, feel free to ask more specific questions once you've read the entry.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.





    Emp.LastName + ', ' + Emp.FirstName as "EmployeeName",

    FireM.LastName + ', ' + FireM.FirstName as "FireMarshall"

    FROM OccurrenceReport

    INNER JOIN FSDirectors AS Emp ON OccurrenceReport.EmployeeName=FSDirectors.EmpID

    INNER JOIN FSDirectors AS FireM ON OccurrenceReport.FireMarshall=FSDirectors.EmpID

    INNER JOIN OccurrenceCauses ON OccurrenceReport.cause=OccurrenceCauses.CauseID

    INNER JOIN Buildings ON OccurrenceReport.Building=Buildings.BuildingID

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Brandie Tarvin (1/2/2013)

    Patrick, look up Table Aliases in Books Online. You can indeed join the same table multiple times, but you can't have two tables with the same naming reference.

    Table Aliases should explain it all. If it doesn't, feel free to ask more specific questions once you've read the entry.

    Thanks Brandie! I got it 🙂

    It's been a while that I've developed in SQL Server. I've been doing more front end dev lately. I used the alias and it worked great!

    Thanks again!

    Here was my end result query

    Select OccurrenceReport.OccurrenceDate,OccurrenceReport.TimeOfOccurrence,OccurrenceReport.Floor,OccurrenceReport.Description,OccurrenceReport.Injured,OccurrenceReport.FDNY,OccurrenceReport.FalseActual,OccurrenceReport.FPManager,OccurrenceReport.DateSigned,OccurrenceCauses.Cause,FD.LastName + ', ' + FD.FirstName as "EmployeeName", FM.LastName + ', ' + FM.FirstName as "FireMarshall" from OccurrenceReport inner join FSDirectors as FD on OccurrenceReport.EmployeeName=FD.EmpID inner join FSDirectors as FM on OccurrenceReport.FireMarshall=FM.EmpID inner join OccurrenceCauses on OccurrenceReport.cause=OccurrenceCauses.CauseID inner join Buildings on OccurrenceReport.Building=Buildings.BuildingID

  • So you're getting the data you need now?

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • Brandie Tarvin (1/2/2013)

    So you're getting the data you need now?

    Yes I am 🙂 Thanks again for your help!

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