Set year(columnname1) = year(columnname2)

  • I want to set the year in column name 1 to the year that is in column name 2.

    For example,

    update <tablename>

    set year(ColName1) = year(ColName2)

    where month(ColName1) = month(ColName2) and day(ColName1) = day(ColName2)

    Can something like this work out?


  • 5280_Lifestyle (12/15/2012)

    I want to set the year in column name 1 to the year that is in column name 2.

    For example,

    update <tablename>

    set year(ColName1) = year(ColName2)

    where month(ColName1) = month(ColName2) and day(ColName1) = day(ColName2)

    I'm assuming the both ColName1 and ColName2 are datetime (since you didn't specify).

    You could do something like:

    UPDATE tablename

    SET ColName1 = CAST(CAST(MONTH(@ColName1) AS char(2)) + '/' + CAST(DAY(@ColName1) AS char(2)) + '/' + CAST(YEAR(@ColName2) AS char(4)) AS datetime)

    WHERE MONTH(ColName1) = MONTH(ColName2) AND DAY(ColName1) = DAY(ColName2);



  • Yes, thank you for catching that. They are both of data type datetime.


  • 5280_Lifestyle (12/15/2012)

    Yes, thank you for catching that. They are both of data type datetime.

    Not sure if this is purely for the purposes of the example, but your query essentially sets column1 to column2, so the whole calculation is unnecessary.

    That said - assuming you're just looking to understand the options of how to doing the calc, I would not use string operations on datetime data given the various collations out there and the issues that can cause.

    I'd look at something more like:

    update <tablename>

    set year(ColName1) = dateadd(year,DATEDIFF(year,ColName1,ColName2),ColName1)

    where month(ColName1) = month(ColName2) and day(ColName1) = day(ColName2)

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • robert.gerald.taylor (12/15/2012)

    5280_Lifestyle (12/15/2012)

    I want to set the year in column name 1 to the year that is in column name 2.

    For example,

    update <tablename>

    set year(ColName1) = year(ColName2)

    where month(ColName1) = month(ColName2) and day(ColName1) = day(ColName2)

    I'm assuming the both ColName1 and ColName2 are datetime (since you didn't specify).

    You could do something like:

    UPDATE tablename

    SET ColName1 = CAST(CAST(MONTH(@ColName1) AS char(2)) + '/' + CAST(DAY(@ColName1) AS char(2)) + '/' + CAST(YEAR(@ColName2) AS char(4)) AS datetime)

    WHERE MONTH(ColName1) = MONTH(ColName2) AND DAY(ColName1) = DAY(ColName2);



    Rob, that worked beautifully! Thanks!


  • Here's another way that is a bit more terse:



    SELECT '2012-11-01', '2013-11-01'

    UNION ALL SELECT '2012-11-01', '2013-11-02'


    SET ColName1 = STUFF(ColName1, 8, 4, YEAR(ColName2))

    WHERE MONTH(ColName1) = MONTH(ColName2) and DAY(ColName1) = DAY(ColName2)


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