SQLServer 2005 to Oracle 10g migration

  • I have 4 databases in SQLServer 2005 and in Oracle there are 28 tables and all the fields are matching with inside sqlserver db tables.

    The data has indexes and image types basically document management data tiff,pdf stored..and need to migrate sqlserver 2005 table data to oracle 10g.

    what can be the simplest method...shud i use integration service and make SSIS package? or use oracle SQLDeveloper tool?

    never done migration so need guidance.

  • Not 100% certain about the Oracle SQLDeveloper tool but if the data is straightforward, I would simply use SSIS or bulk import of sorts

    This link may help you out (it outlines a process for migrating sql server 2005 databases to Oracle 10g:


    I also found these suggestions from another post on a different forum (:w00t:)

    After looking at some options with SQLDeveloper, or to manually try to export/import, I found a utility on SQL Server management studio that gets the desired results, and is easy to use, do the following

    Goto the source schema on SQL Server

    Right click > Export data

    Select source as current schema

    Select destination as "Oracle OLE provider"

    Select properties, then add the service name into the first box, then username and password, be sure to click "remember password"

    Enter query to get desired results to be migrated

    Enter table name, then click the "Edit" button

    Alter mappings, change nvarchars to varchar2, and INTEGER to NUMBER


    Repeat process for remaining tables, save as jobs if you need to do this again in the future

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • lol..the method seems painless ..let me try and revert back but more suggestions are welcome 🙂

  • How much data are you talking about and what process do you already have in the works? It could very well be you have a good process going and shouldn't change a thing...

    In either case, best of luck!


    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • Its a Document management product which supports SQL and Oracle both. Table structure is kinda flat not relationship based. My client has installed on SQL now they want to move on to Oracle cause of audit objection.

    Data consists on image type and in oracle is BLOB/CLOB ...roughly 3GB max ..so SQL data would simply write data in oracle' existing table structure.

    I am in planning phase and going to create staging on laptop and once migrated would create a export/dump of oracle schema and move on to oracle production.

    so far this is the strategy..but i dont want to go into complexity if it is achievable easy like the earlier post where u can use oledb provider

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