deleting some data from a column

  • Hi All

    i had some virus attach on my database and my online database suddenly got corrupted. with every column data some malicious code is attached.

    like this

    18k white gold</title><style>.a9y3{position:absolute;clip:rect(465px,auto,auto,465px);}</style><div class=a9y3><a href= ></a><a href= ></a><a href= ></a></div>

    it should be - 18k white gold

    but some string from </title> is attached with it so now i want to delete sting starting from </title>

  • Here are 3 approaches...

    1. Update the column with Subatring function and charindex function

    2. Add a column with similar datatype(seems to be varchar)

    update the newly created column with substring function and charindex function

    3. Alter Column by change length to data whatever you want

    Data would terminated....Then again use alter to give the original length

  • If you're not sure of the damage, you may want to consider restoring the database from a back up to ensure everything is back the way it should be.


  • Can you specify the pattern of affected data? its just one row so is difficult to find out the solution for everybody...

    This should help...

    select LEFT(Column, charindex('<',Column))

    Sql String solutions...

  • from my point of view the first step would be to figure out how it happened and to close that "back door". Otherwise you might get faced with the very same attack shortly after you've cleaned the data...

    Clear the mess after that: If the data in your column should always end with the < /title > tag, and this should be the first occurence of this tag, too, then use LEFT(yourcolumn,PATINDEX('%</title>%', yourcolumn))

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Thank you everyone. you guys are really awesome and helpful. your suggestions worked.

    Heartly Thanks

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