Backup striping

  • Hi,

    I took backup into separate files in two different drives. When I am taking that it automatically dividing the files into almost equal sizes. Is there any possibility to mention the size of the each file by us? Please let me know.


  • not via SQL native I am afraid.

    you could do more stripes and send more to one drive than another?


  • If you have more space on one drive than another and you are wanting to put more on the drive with more space, what you can do is stripe the backup to more than 2 files. For instance, you have 10 GB free on Drive Y and 30 GB free on Drive Z and you want 3/4 of your backup to go to Drive Z and 1/4 to Drive Y:

    BACKUP DATABASE [Databas_Name] TO

    DISK = 'Y:\MSSQL_Backup\Databas_Name_file1.bak',

    DISK = 'Z:\MSSQL_Backup\Databas_Name_file2.bak',

    DISK = 'Z:\MSSQL_Backup\Databas_Name_file3.bak',

    DISK = 'Z:\MSSQL_Backup\Databas_Name_file4.bak'

    It will still divide the backup equally, but will do so across four files instead of two and you will have placed 3 of the 4 files on the drive with more space.

  • Thank you. I got it.

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