Developers, developers, developers

  • I actually work all over the board. So if I in my developer role screw something up I'll be the one cleaning up the mess later on as you so gently put it.

    I do the database jobs. I write service layers (wcf usually). I'm also working on ms and android mobiles for some industries and stores.

    If there is something I want, then it's a better sqlite alternative for android. Do you know that sqlite does not support stored procedures? This is the database that I find most companies are using for their mobile platforms. Do you know how ugly it gets when you write sql code stored in strings that you then combine and compile? Usually one string per table and one string per column.. a better alternative here would be interesting.

  • I am still waiting for a demand for the development of mobile line of business (LOB) applications in the enterprise market. I believe it is occurring in some sectors and to some degree but the majority appears to be consumer targeted. I believe it will come...don't try to get me to predict when, especially as some will report it is here already!!!


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Gary Varga (3/11/2014)

    I am still waiting for a demand for the development of mobile line of business (LOB) applications in the enterprise market. I believe it is occurring in some sectors and to some degree but the majority appears to be consumer targeted. I believe it will come...don't try to get me to predict when, especially as some will report it is here already!!!

    Well I do not know about usa, but motorola is american so there ought to be a a large market in usa for it as well as there is in Sweden. Our postal delivery guys makes use of mobile devices, as does lots of warehouse personnel, some stores in different degrees thou more are moving towards it. Also some insurance companies and the places that certifies your cars, (dmw in usa I think?). These areas I've experience in. There are probably a lot more of areas however.

    One thing of note thou, big old companies are slow to move on to new tech. Some makes purchase but it's not common that they will on their own accord move on to mobile if they do not already have the competence in the company and there lots of companies are still lacking. But from what I know and see, it's very common with mobile business solutions in my country, thou I can't speak for yours.

  • IceDread (3/11/2014)

    ...One thing of note thou, big old companies are slow to move on to new tech. Some makes purchase but it's not common that they will on their own accord move on to mobile if they do not already have the competence in the company and there lots of companies are still lacking. But from what I know and see, it's very common with mobile business solutions in my country, thou I can't speak for yours.

    I have seen (and even delivered) mobile apps; stock control system using the same handheld scanners they use for the London Eye. Also, I am certain you are correct. It is just that I see the potential for a more mobile integration into standard LOBs traditionally delivered to desktops but now also accessed from laptops via VPNs.

    BTW I am not from the USA.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • While most of this audience aren't in the development space, some may be

    I am certainly one of those. I am quite enamored with sqlservercentral, and I am sure this is the main community I will stay with, but what would you recommend is the better community for "development types"?

    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.

  • Tobar (3/11/2014)

    While most of this audience aren't in the development space, some may be

    I am certainly one of those. I am quite enamored with sqlservercentral, and I am sure this is the main community I will stay with, but what would you recommend is the better community for "development types"?

    I find it harder to find a development "community". I believe that this is because it would be less focussed than here. I am a developer but the tools, techniques, languages, frameworks, application/system types etc vary so much from project to project that I would find it impossible to find a community of similar developers when I may not have a similar development profile to myself during my previous project.

    I tend to be more of a reader/sponge in environments such as StackOverflow, MSDN, Code Project etc. I am an infrequent visitor to these and many other sources so I am usually quiet on my opinion of them with any Microsoft offering being an exception as I am a paying customer.

    So instead I come here and upset the DBAs.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

  • Did anyone else notice that the "How many years of experience" column only has 4 different answers





    When I see data like that, the entire result set becomes suspect.

  • thisisfutile (3/11/2014)

    Did anyone else notice that the "How many years of experience" column only has 4 different answers





    When I see data like that, the entire result set becomes suspect.

    OH, nevermind. I reviewed the spreadsheet "raw" data and then posted this. I just now looked closely at the charts they produced and it's clear that Excel auto-formatted those two dates from data that was probably supposed to display as "2-5" and "6-10", so the choices the survey gave were...





    ...someone at StackOverflow didn't properly import their text file into Excel. Guessing they double-clicked the CSV and did "save-as". Probably was a developer. Oops...did I just say that out loud?


  • Tobar (3/11/2014)

    While most of this audience aren't in the development space, some may be

    I am certainly one of those. I am quite enamored with sqlservercentral, and I am sure this is the main community I will stay with, but what would you recommend is the better community for "development types"?

    You could try something like Dream in code.

    Developers are fragmented by their language and their platform...

    Re : mobile platforms and older companies.

    Unfortunately Parking Attendants in the uk have managed to quite efficiently integrate mobile applications with UK councils. A clear revenue stream certainly helped focus development.

  • While most of this audience aren't in the development space, some may be, and the impacts of the results could certainly affect our careers.

    Odd, I would expect the vast majority of StackTrace members to be developers or working with technology in some way. I personally only end up in one of their forums when I'm googling or binging a technical question, so perhaps there are dimensions to the website I havn't seen.

    Looking at the survey results in the Excel sheet, what stands out to me is that, of the 7,644 responders, only 61 identified themselves as "Database Administrator" and 193 were identified as "I don't work in tech". There was no category for "Database Developer". Clearly is the primary go-to place I'd refer a developer when the topic is SQL Server.

    "Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho

  • Thanks for all the responses. Doesn't seem like I am missing, a much more focused community, elsewhere. Good to know, because I like it here.

    I haven't picked up the game of "upset the DBAs", yet. Good to know there are other players out there. 😀

    Livin' down on the cube farm. Left, left, then a right.

  • Thank you, Steve, for posting this. I didn't even know that Stack Overflow did this sort of thing. I use Stack Overflow frequently, but tend to go straight there, post on question, and then I'm off to do something else. Very interesting results. Many not surprising, but it's good to know that what I had a feeling was likely true is in fact often true.

    Kindest Regards, Rod Connect with me on LinkedIn.

  • Rod at work (3/11/2014)

    Thank you, Steve, for posting this. I didn't even know that Stack Overflow did this sort of thing. I use Stack Overflow frequently, but tend to go straight there, post on question, and then I'm off to do something else. Very interesting results. Many not surprising, but it's good to know that what I had a feeling was likely true is in fact often true.


  • Taking a slightly different tact, I don't see myself doing development on an iphone. Apparently neither does the big MS. I've heard it stated that MS suggests developers stick with Win7 and not upgrade to Win8 because it doesn't support development as well. Not having worked with Win8 I can't say one way or t'other. Comments?

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