Comparing records against multiple rows

  • I'm completely lost on how to do this. I basically want to do a CASE statement that looks at multiple rows.

    I need look at all the people based on what the main person has (RelCode = 18).

    Example for Sue: Case when Joe Smith's MedBen = M and Sue's MedBen = '' then SpBen = D-D

    Example for Kate: Case when Jay Evans's MedBen = M and Kate's MedBen = M then SpBen = D

    Sample data:

    SubsNum | FName | LName | PlanNum | MedBen | RelCode | SpBen

    123 ++++| Joe ++++| Smith | FH +++| M ++++| 18 ++++|

    123 ++++| Sue ++++| Smith | DH +++| +++++| 19 ++++|

    123 ++++| Ale ++++ | Smith | DH +++| +++++| 19 ++++|

    245 ++++| Jay ++++| Evans | FH +++| M ++++| 18 ++++|

    245 ++++| Kate ++++| Evans | FH +++| M ++++| 19 ++++|

    245 ++++| Mike ++++ | Evans | FH +++| M ++++| 19 ++++|

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_SubscriberTest](

    [SubscriberNum] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [SSN] [varchar](11) NULL,

    [FirstName] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [LastName] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [PlanNum] [varchar](50) NULL,

    [MedBen] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [DenBen] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [RelCode] [varchar](3) NULL,

    [SpBen] [varchar](4) NULL) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT [dbo].[tbl_SubscriberTest] ([SubscriberNum],[SSN],[FirstName],[LastName],


    VALUES( '1234', '1111', 'MILAN','WHITEHURST','DENT','', 'D','01',''),

    ( '1234', '2222', 'NICOLAS','WHITEHURST','DENT','', 'D','19', ''),

    ( '1234', '1234', 'MONIQUE','WHITEHURST','DENT','', 'D','18',''),

    ( '2468', '2468', 'WILLIAM','CARPENTER','FCNB', 'M','D','18',''),

    ( '2468', '3333', 'ALEXANDRIA','CARPENTER','FCNB', 'M','D','19',''),

    ( '2468', '4444', 'SHAYLENA', 'CARPENTER','FCNB', 'M','D','19', ''),

    ( '2468', '7894', 'JOANN','CARPENTER','FCNB', 'M','D','01',''),

    ( '3692', '3692', 'JOE','WALKER','FHL','M', 'D','18',''),

    ( '3692', '9632', 'JOHN','WALKER','DENT', '', 'D','19',''),

    ( '3692', '3574', 'JAMES','WALKER','DENT','', 'D','19',''),

    ( '3692', '7531', 'JAKE','WALKER','DENT', '', 'D','19', '')

    Does that make sense? In the data from the SQL code,anyone with a RelCode of 18 is the main employee. So if the MedBen for the main employee is M but any of the other people in that group of same SubscriberNum have '' for MedBen then I'd need to change the SpBen to D-D. Example: Joe, John, James, and Jake Walker would have D-D for SpBen but the Whitehurst family would just have D since Monique's MedBen field is blank.

    I'm desperate!

  • Excellent job posting ddl and sample data. I am however totally lost on your requirements. Can you try to explain it more clearly?


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  • I think I might have a rough idea of how to do this, but I too am a bit lost on the details. From the solution I cobbled up:

    SpBen for Whitehurst: D

    SpBen for Carpenter and Walker: D-D

    However, Carpenter has M for MedBen for all of its entries; is there something special to be done in this case?

    - 😀

  • Thank you both for your feedback. I'll try to explain it more clearly. @hisakimatama, Sorry, I forgot to mention one thing. I can ignore the dependents (records with RelCode != 18) that have an 'M' for MedBen as they will have a different MDX code.

    SpBen for Whitehurst: D

    SpBen for Walker: D-D

    SpBen for Carpenter: MDX

    So any employee (RelCode = 18) that has medical/dental (MedBen=M and DenBen=D) but any of their dependents have dental only (MedBen='' and DenBen=D), the benefit class code (SpBen) to use would be be D-D. If an employee (RelCode = 18) has dental only (MedBen='' and DenBen=D) then the SpBen would be D. If an employee (RelCode = 18) has medical/dental (MedBen=M and DenBen=D) and all of their dependents (RelCode!=18) have medical/dental then the SpBen would be MDX.

    Here's a case statement mixed with pseudo-code if that helps at all?

    update [dbo].[tbl_SubscriberTest]

    set SpBen =


    WHEN every family member has MedBen = 'M' and DenBen = 'D' THEN 'MDX'

    WHEN MedBen = '' and DenBen = 'D' THEN 'D'

    WHEN main employee has MedBen = 'M' and DenBen = 'D' but dependents have DenBen = 'D' and MedBen = '' THEN 'D-D'

    I'm thinking some type of subquery or pivot but I'm lost. Please let me know if I can clarify further.

  • Does this get what you need?

    There is probably a cleaner way and I did modify one data value so that SubscriberNum 1234 would be D-D

    SELECT *,


    WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tbl_SubscriberTest WHERE SubscriberNum = a.SubscriberNum AND MedBen = 'M' AND DenBen = 'D')

    AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tbl_SubscriberTest WHERE SubscriberNum = a.SubscriberNum AND (MedBen <> 'M' OR DenBen <> 'D'))

    THEN 'MDX'

    WHEN EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tbl_SubscriberTest WHERE SubscriberNum = a.SubscriberNum AND RelCode = '01' AND MedBen = 'M' AND DenBen = 'D')

    AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tbl_SubscriberTest WHERE SubscriberNum = a.SubscriberNum AND RelCode <> '01' AND MedBen = '' AND DenBen = 'D')

    THEN 'D-D'

    WHEN MedBen = '' and DenBen = 'D' THEN 'D'

    ELSE ''


    FROM tbl_SubscriberTest AS a

    ORDER BY a.SubscriberNum

  • Hm, I came up with this in the end. Doubtlessly, there's a cleaner solution, but it seems to work:

    WITH CTE(LastName,Code) AS(

    SELECT LastName, CASE WHEN MedBen = 'M' AND DenBen = 'D' THEN 'D-D'

    WHEN MedBen = '' AND DenBen = 'D' THEN 'D' END

    FROM #tbl_SubscriberTest

    WHERE RelCode = 18


    UPDATE #tbl_SubscriberTest

    SET SpBen = Code

    FROM #tbl_SubscriberTest Test

    INNER JOIN CTE Checker

    ON Test.LastName = Checker.LastName

    WHERE MedBen <> 'M' OR DenBen <> 'D' OR RelCode = 18;

    WITH CTE(LastName) AS(

    SELECT LastName FROM #tbl_SubscriberTest

    WHERE SpBen = '')

    UPDATE #tbl_SubscriberTest

    SET SpBen = 'MDX'

    FROM #tbl_SubscriberTest Test

    INNER JOIN CTE Checker

    ON Test.LastName = Checker.LastName

    With a half-million rows of data, it takes 30 seconds. Probably not ideal, but this could be a springboard of sorts.

    - 😀

  • I can't thank you both enough! They work. @Ed B I just had to change it to 18 instead of 01 but that's exactly what I needed.

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