Problem with update syntax

  • Hi all -

    I am preparing create tables with test data, but I thought this might be so simple and generic that it might not require them. I'm probably missing somthing simple here.

    After a table load I'm trying to set one column's data using the first char of another column. This is what I tried, but it seems to be updating the entire column to the same value -

    UPDATE DIM.DocControlProfile

    SET DocType = SUBSTRING(STG.CurrDocNumber,1,1)

    FROM STG.Staging AS STG

    INNER JOIN DIM.DocControlProfile AS DC

    ON STG.DocContProfileID = DC.DocControlID

    Any generic syntax advice is appreciated but if needed I will finish the create table and add data script.

    Thanks in advance.

  • We will need sample data in order to tell you exactly what the problem is... It looks like your join is not doing what you expect it is.

    Said another way, your syntax is correctly updating the docControlProfile's doctype to the first character of the last (last is not defined) currentDocNumber in staging with the DocContProfileID of the DocControlProfile.

    Your problem is most likely due to having multiple records in the staging table for each profile. You should be able to see identify the problem by running

    select DC.DocControlID, STG.DocContProfileID, DIM.DocType, STG.CurrDocNumber,

    FROM STG.Staging AS STG

    INNER JOIN DIM.DocControlProfile AS DC

    ON STG.DocContProfileID = DC.DocControlID

    order by DC.DocControlID, STG.DocContProfileID

    I hope that helps,


    Dan Guzman - Not the MVP (7/22/2010)
    All questions have to be prefaced by Server version and 'according to MS Docs' or 'my own personal opinion based on how much detail I felt like digging into at the time.'

  • I always try to put the table I am updating as first in the FROM clause and use the alias as the UPDATE target.


    SET DocType = SUBSTRING(STG.CurrDocNumber,1,1)

    FROM DIM.DocControlProfile AS DC


    ON STG.DocContProfileID = DC.DocControlID

    Not sure this will help you. As the previous poster said this may be an issue with the join or it may be that the statement is being interpreted as

    UPDATE DIM.DocControlProfile

    SET DocType = (

    SELECT SUBSTRING(STG.CurrDocNumber,1,1)

    FROM DIM.DocControlProfile AS DC


    ON STG.DocContProfileID = DC.DocControlID


    where the DocType is updated with the first value of the SELECT

    Wish I could test this for you as I could be totally wrong:unsure:, unfortunately I haven't put SQL Server back on my laptop since a rebuild.

  • Try this.

    UPDATE dim.doccontrolprofile

    SET DocType = SUBSTRING(STG.CurrDocNumber, 1, 1)

    FROM dim.doccontrolprofile dc

    INNER JOIN staging stg ON STG.DocContProfileID = DC.DocControlID

  • I am out for the weekend. I want to thank the people that have already replied. I really like this forum. I will look more at suggestions on monday and provide more details.

    thank you again for looking at this!!!!!!!!

  • Why not simply

    UPDATE DIM.DocControlProfile

    SET DocType = (select( SUBSTRING(CurrDocNumber,1,1)

    FROM STG.Staging

    where DocContProfileID = DIM.DocControlProfile.DocControlID)

  • hello all again - I didn't want to bail out without showing my appreciation for the help on this forum. I got a new "top priorty" when I got in this week. I am back to it now and I think I'm barking up the wrong tree. I created this test harness and everything is working exactly as expected so I need to look into the data more. This is of no real use to anyone but I thought I'd throw it out there out of respect for the forum. Like I said, this all works as expected, but not on the data I have.

    Thanks to all who chimed in on this - I very much appreciate

    USE tempdb

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ZZZStageTest]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].ZZZStageTest


    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ZZZDocContProfile]') AND type in (N'U'))

    DROP TABLE [dbo].ZZZDocContProfile


    CREATE TABLE [ZZZDocContProfile](

    [DocContID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [AgencyNumber] [varchar](3) NULL,

    [DocumentType] [varchar](1) NULL,

    [DocContTitle] [varchar](40) NULL,



    CREATE TABLE [ZZZStageTest](

    [StageTestID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [DocContProfileID] [int] NULL,

    [CurDocNum] VARCHAR(20),

    [CurrentDocType] [char](1) NULL,

    [DocContTitle] VARCHAR(50) NULL



    --Load some test data

    INSERT INTO [ZZZDocContProfile] (





    ('123', 'A','TEST1')

    ,('123', '', 'TEST2')

    ,('300', '', 'TEST4')

    ,('300', '', 'TEST4')

    ,('500', 'C', 'TEST5')


    INSERT INTO [ZZZStageTest]






    ('1', '12345', '', 'STG1')

    ,('2', 'ABCD', '', 'STG2')

    ,('3', 'THIS', '', 'STG3')

    ,('4', 'OTHER', '','STG4')

    ,('5', 'C', '', 'STG5')



    SET DC.[DocumentType] = SUBSTRING(STG.[CurDocNum],1,1)

    FROM [ZZZDocContProfile] AS DC


    ON STG.[DocContProfileID] = DC.[DocContID]


    SELECT *

    FROM [ZZZDocContProfile] AS DC


    ON STG.[DocContProfileID] = DC.[DocContID]


  • With the tabale you posted there is a cardinality problem.

    The syntax UPDATE FROM is scorned by some people, because it has a possible ambiguity. I don't share that opinion, because I think that rightly used UPDATE FROM is very useful. But there is no one to protect you when you slip.

    With the sample data you posted DocContProfileID in the staging table is unique, but there is no constraint to enforce this. If there are multiple values, it is not deterministic which row the target table will be updated from.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,[/font]

  • Erland Sommarskog (9/19/2013)

    The syntax UPDATE FROM is scorned by some people, because it has a possible ambiguity. I don't share that opinion, because I think that rightly used UPDATE FROM is very useful. But there is no one to protect you when you slip.


    --Jeff Moden

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  • Jeff Moden (9/19/2013)

    Erland Sommarskog (9/19/2013)

    The syntax UPDATE FROM is scorned by some people, because it has a possible ambiguity. I don't share that opinion, because I think that rightly used UPDATE FROM is very useful. But there is no one to protect you when you slip.


    Can I ask for clarification on this? Using the most recent update statement referenced in this post:


    SET DC.[DocumentType] = SUBSTRING(STG.[CurDocNum],1,1)

    FROM [ZZZDocContProfile] AS DC


    ON STG.[DocContProfileID] = DC.[DocContID]

    What would be the preferred way to write this?

  • The almost ANSI-compatible way of writing it is:

    UPDATE ZZZDocContProfile

    SET DC.[DocumentType] = (SELECT SUBSTRING(STG.[CurDocNum],1,1)

    FROM [ZZZStageTest] AS STG

    WHERE STG.[DocContProfileID] = DC.[DocContID])

    FROM [ZZZDocContProfile] AS DC


    FROM [ZZZStageTest] AS STG

    WHERE STG.[DocContProfileID] = DC.[DocContID])

    I almost ANSI-compatible, because there is still a FROM clause. In a pure ANSI database, you would not be able to define an alias for the target table.

    The advantage here is that if you screw up on cardinality, you will get a run-time error.

    The disadvantage is that the syntax requires you to have the condition in two places, and you can easily for get the EXISTS clause, which causes you to update all rows in the target table. The row that are not matched in the source will be set to NULL.

    And of course, if you want to update multiple columns, you are lost, since T-SQL does not have row constructors:

    Some people prefer to do this with MERGE:

    MERGE ZZZDocContProfile AS DC

    USING [ZZZStageTest] AS STG ON STG.[DocContProfileID] = DC.[DocContID]



    SET DocumentType = SUBSTRING(STG.[CurDocNum],1,1)


    Here you can update as many columns as you like. If you have a cardinality error, you will get a run-time error if there is ambiguity.

    But this whole discussion is not about which syntax you should use. It is about that you need to know what you are doing. The rows you update in the target table should match zero or one rows in the source, else there is an ambiguity problem. Depending on the syntax you use, you will get a run-time error or an undefined result, but no matter what, your idea of how to update was wrong.

    [font="Times New Roman"]Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,[/font]

  • Thank you for the explanations and examples!! This "easy" problem has caused much frustration.

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