Need a help in case statement...

  • Hi,

    I need a help in case statement.

    I want to know whether we can set value for two fields in case statement

    for example



    WHEN SUnits> 0

    THEN 'xxx'

    WHEN RUnits > 0

    THEN 'yyy'


    Here I need to set another value as well in Then statement

    I want the above to be like this

    Select @data=


    WHEN SUnits> 0

    THEN 'xxx' ,@dsr=1

    WHEN RUnits > 0

    THEN 'yyy', ,@dsr=0


    Is it possible?

    Else the below statement is the only way

    Select @data=


    WHEN SUnits> 0

    THEN 'xxx'

    WHEN RUnits > 0

    THEN 'yyy',


    @dsr= (CASE

    WHEN SUnits> 0

    THEN 1

    WHEN RUnits > 0

    THEN 0


    Here I need to

  • No, it is not possible. You'll need to enter the case statement twice.

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