Blog Post

SQL Saturday 99 – Confio Interview


Welcome to the seventh of a few sponsor interview posts from SQL Saturday 99.  After reading Arnie Rowland’s (Blog |@ArnieRowland) Paying For Free post, I thought it might be worthwhile to do a little bit more to interview our attendees and others to the sponsors that enabled us to have our Minnesota event.

In today’s post, I have an interview with Confio.  Confio was one of the Silver sponsors for the SQL Saturday event.  As a returning sponsor, I was glad to see them around again – though it would have been nice to have seen Thomas LaRock (Blog | @SQLRockstar) at the event.  Guess I have to wait until the Colorado Springs SQL Saturday to see him.  I digress… on with the show…

1. Thank you for sponsoring our SQL Saturday.  For the attendees that weren’t able to visit with you at the event, is there anything you’d like to share with them? Thank you to all who were able to stop by our table and talk with Janis and/or John or perhaps sit in on Janis’ session. We enjoy getting to know each of you. If you didn’t get a chance to stop by or couldn’t attend the conference, we’d like to make you aware of our weekly demos that we run to help you evaluate our software products. You only need to spend about ½ hour see some of the benefits our tool offers. Check out and find a date & time that fits your needs.

2. Why did you sponsor the Minnesota SQL Saturday? Sponsoring the Minnesota SQL Saturday gives us the chance to interact with the SQL community and people who use, or are interested in learning more about our software. The 1/1 conversations we have are invaluable and a great learning tool for us as well.

3. What services/products does your company offer? Confio Software develops database performance solution for DBAs, IT managers, and database developers, for both physical and virtual server environments. Confio’s flagship product, Ignite8, helps eliminate bottlenecks, speed problem resolution, and reduce the cost of operations for SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 and Sybase databases and VMware servers.

4. Have you sponsored other SQL Saturday events? As a national sponsor, Confio Software has sponsored and attended most of the local SQL Saturdays in 2011. We are looking forward to future partnerships with existing locations as well as many newer locations in 2012.

5. What are your thoughts on SQL Saturdays? SQL Saturdays are great training opportunities for those users, and a great way to meet with others in the industry and share challenges, needs and wins. They are also a prime opportunity for us to get out there and meet with the local folks who use or need a performance tool.

Thank you again to Confio for sponsoring our event.  I do know that they like coming to our SQL Saturday on a Friday.  Hopefully, if we go with Friday again next year we’ll see them out here again.  If you receive an after event e-mail from Confio, please give them a couple minutes to see if there methodology for performance monitoring works well in your environment, it might just give you back part of your weekends.

Related posts:

  1. SQL Saturday 99 – SSWUG Interview
  2. SQL Saturday 99 – RBA Consulting Interview
  3. SQL Saturday 99 – Quest Interview


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