Data is not getting generated in report server

  • We have report server database which has more than 31 million records, while generating the report from report service , records are not getting displayed the progress is keep on running and server gets hang - Windows 2003 Server , Sql server 2005 . Can any one help us to resolve the problem



  • The report has 31 million records? Or the database? If the report has 31 million records, I would suggest you either figure out a way to filter it to a reasonable number. Or if you need all the record, use SSIS, it is meant for data export.

  • We have database table - audit trail ,this table has 31 million records . We have query with condition to retrieve the records. Is there any better way to get the results .

    Actually the configuration is like this

    Report server - web service is configured with NT Authority/System account and database,reporting service database are configured with local system account.

  • I would suggest you try running the query in management studio first. See how long it takes, how many records it returns, how many columns, how wide is the entire row (ints, characters). It is hard to tell from the info provided if the hold up is the query, the network traffic, or the report server.

    Also, did it work when you developed it, or are you trying to test it directly on the report server?

  • Yes we tried in management studio and it tooks 30 minutes to pull out the report.Actually this is production environment and was working fine last week. suddenly we are facing this problem .



  • Yea, that'll be a problem. It's going to run slower in SSRS than in management studio. I think you are going to have to fix your query before you worry about reporting services. Try using the execution plan in management studio, that will give you an idea of what is causing the slowness. You can also turn on statistic io and time



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