Creating dynamic excel table through Execute Sql Task - data types problem

  • Hi,

    I'm using an SSIS package to create an Excel table and export the data from a corresponding SQL Server table into it. Because I wish to export all of the tables in the DB, I'm using dynamic scripts.

    The method is:

    1. generate CREATE TABLE string

    2. use this string in an Execute Sql Task with Excel CM - and create the Excel file.

    3. generate an INSERT INTO OPENROWSET... SELECT FROM ... command string.

    4. use this string in an Execute Sql Task with SQL SRV CM

    The problem is that the created excel file column type are all "general", even tho my script says otherwise. For example, the following script would create an excel file with "general" columns type:



    [ACCOUNTNO] LongText,

    [COMPANY] LongText,

    [CREATEON] datetime,

    [CREATEAT] LongText,


    Later on, when I try to use the insert into command, the command fails because of mismatch of the data type. An example:

    INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0','Excel 12.0;Database=c:\\junk\\accountnoWithNoApps.xlsx;HDR=YES;IMEX=1\"',



    How can I solve this?

    Thank u in advance.

  • you have to do it from script task.

  • Creating the excel file? populating it? or both?


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